Thursday, May 30, 2019

Homemaker Support

During my morning meander to see what was new, I captured the above picture of some wild buttercups growing on the edge of the road. We had a dark stormy day but the buttercups were like sun.  You can't get roadside flowers to transplant in a flowerbed. They thrive better on the roadside where the mineral are.

In the 1990's the fabric stores had all kinds of fabric prints of  flowers, such as hydrangea, lilac, butter cup and even the Texas bluebonnet. They aren't as available now. 

I'm already thinking about making a dress to go with it!  I have saved this fabric I got on sale many years ago and it looks just right even though it is not a buttercup print.

I am working with a very old computer I have had more than 10 years, and these days I guess that is old, so that is one reason I've had so much delay doing videos.  It just isn't working the way it used to work.   I've said this about sewing machines and vacuum cleaners: the best model to buy for heavy use is a new one.  The old ones don't get better.  So this is what I'm looking to do in the future: get a computer that works ;-) Also I want to be sure to  transfer my projects--newsletters, booklets and brochures that I intend to print.  Its important to transfer them all to another computer before the old one quits because otherwise it is a little more complicated.

I hope to have a video up here soon about support for  homemakers, and by that, I mean reinforcement and encouragement.  I tried several times to get it on video yesterday and each time, there was a problem, but I'm looking forward to getting it there this weekend, so be sure and check back.

Update on previous post:  Roxy is home, resting, and taking care of herself.  Her husband and family are also looking after her.  All is well, for now, but as you know, recovery can be difficult.


  1. That fabric is so pretty! I recently got rid of my sewing machine because it was so tempermental. Hope to get a replacement soon!

  2. Your yellow fabric is so much like the color of the pretty buttercups. I have never seen so many in one place....really beautiful!

  3. What a very beautiful picture you caught!

  4. So glad to hear Roxy is doing better.


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