Saturday, May 25, 2019

Please Pray For Roxy --And Update

Hello Ladies,

**Please see update at end of post!

Our dear Roxy of Living From  Glory to Glory   has today landed in the hospital. 

If you have time, please leave a comment on her blog!

Her husband texted me an hour ago saying she had some blockage at the bottom of her esophagus, and possibly an ulcer. 

 Texts don't always spell things right when it is voice dictated, so I'm not sure I got this right from what was written.

On her blog, she writes with such prosaic style and makes deeper truths simple to read.  I hope she returns soon!!

When you see this, please stop and pray for her recovery.

She is a tiny but feisty girl and we talk on the phone once a week. The painting above reminds me of her. She loves those colors too.

Roxy is the lady that gifted me with those lawn chairs!



 Miss Roxy has phoned me today at 7:30 a.m. from the hospital and she sounded wonderful, not weak or anything, but she is does not know at this point when she is going home.  Therefore you all have time to post a comment on her blog so she will have a something interesting to do while she recuperates at home. If you have ever been in recovery mode at home, you know it can be a little boring when you have to lay around a lot.  If she could go through a hundred comments, that would probably help. 

When she said I was the only person she had called, I thought I had heard from an angel ;-) because of course it was agony not knowing what was happening.

Mr. S. went out and got a get-well card for her.  He is like one of my grandchildren who thinks a card is like good medicine and that if you give a get-well card, the person gets well ;-)  So that is likely how my grandchildren got the idea.  Maybe it is true!! There should be more get-well cards being sent!!

Thanks to all of you who are sending get-well cards “so that she can get well” done  😊.

Roxy says all those prayers have really helped and her last words to me before hanging up were :"Tell everyone not to stop praying."

If you want to send a card to her please email me; my address is on the side bar.


  1. Will add her to my prayer concerns this evening.

  2. I haven’t had any news since I posted this but thanks for your kind attention to this and your prayers.

  3. I am praying for Roxy. I enjoy her blog so much.

  4. I am praying for Roxy. I enjoy her blog so much.

  5. Of course I will pray for her. What a lovely blog she has!

  6. Thanks Lady Lydia. May God bless Roxy with great resilience and recovery. Alexine

  7. Thanks for letting us know so we can pray. Hope she is doing better...

  8. Haven't heard anything yet but it might be a good thing if people left comments on her blog!

  9. Prayed for Roxy ... and just signed up for her also lovely blog.

  10. Will pray for Roxy. Thank you for letting us know.
    Hope you and Mr. S. are doing well.
    A. Law


  12. Keep praying and be sure to leave a comment on her blog. She might be home soon and it would be great if she had comments.

  13. Thanks for sharing about Roxy's illness, I will certainly be praying for her!

  14. Hi, I'm glad your dear friend was able to talk to you. This is a great sign in getting stronger. Many blessings.


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