Sunday, June 23, 2019

Homemaker Support - The Multiple Facets of the Home

Flower invitation Canvas Art - Peter Motz 

Hello Ladies

This video is designed to hear while you are doing something else so I hope you get something accomplished at home while listening. I talk about the many facets of home making  and the different roles you will have. Please leave a comment!

I am usually asked what  the lip gloss is:

It is Wet & Wild #544 sold at Dollar Tree, or slightly higher cost at Walmart, Safeway, Target.

I used Mary Kay light ivory coverage, a sample given by a reader.


  1. I just watched your video on youtube. I enjoyed it so much and I felt very encouraged in my home maker role.
    Thank you and please keep them coming.

  2. Dear Lydia,
    I really like this video. I have noticed that much of my time is spent in the 'clothes and food' category.
    Your observations about hospitality and the motivation it provides is also so true.
    Thank you for all you is so encouraging!
    Aline L.

  3. I have been enjoying these video blogs.
    Very encouraging and uplifting. Thank you for doing them. Please continue to make them.

  4. Dear Lady Lydia, I have really been enjoying your videos. They are so uplifting and encouraging to me. I notice that I spend a ton of time purchasing and preparing food. I often joke to my husband that I feel like a modern day hunter-gatherer :). Will you please tell us the brand and shade name of the eyeshadow(s) you are wearing in this video? The taupe shade is so pretty, and makes you look so glowy. Thank you, and many blessings upon your teaching and ministry to ladies at home!

  5. It’s wet and wild quad but the name is rubbed off since I save everything from 1982 ;-). From dollar tree. Will get a picture for the next post and will show you the skin care items I use—a little mixture of the contents of a vitamin e capsule and a drop or two of avocado oil

  6. Thank you, Lydia, for another video!

    I really like your idea of treating ourselves like royalty, and that how we dress is a ministry to others.



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