Agapit Stevens Portrait of a Woman with Embroidery 19th century
Hello Ladies,
Today I discuss royal life at home. Please leave your remarks!
Cosmetics from Dollar Tree or Walmart
Ladies thank you for your prayers and your comments.
My keyboard no longer works. Try answering an email or making a post without the letters n, b, e and the space bar. Until I have time to go get a new pc, I will be posting videos.
The temporary natural hair rinse you asked about, that washes out is by Natural Instincts.
Please leave a remark!!!!!
I emptied the dishwasher and did some other kitchen chores while listening. What a great companion you are, Lydia! The ideas about dividing the day, planning meal times and other daily occurrences consistently each day is so sensible and certainly is the way families used to live. My grandmother got up at 5:15 every morning, said her prayers, washed and dressed, and started the main meal (served at noon, daily). Her laundry would be done in the morning, the daily paper out in the trash by 10 a.m., etc. After doing the kitchen work up, she would rest a bit and then it would be coffee time at 3 pm, with neighbor ladies in their little Italian neighborhood joining her for a cup of coffee and a little something sweet. Supper would be a simpler meal, and maybe in the evening, there would be some fruit, some ginger ale or some sherbet served. At bedtime, she would say all her prayers again. What an orderly, lovely way to live. Another aspect of living royally and beautifully is not just what to do each day and how to do it, but what to leave out. I will only speak for myself and not make a blanket statement for other women, but for me, there is far too much that is attempted and jammed into my life and many people's lives, perhaps - every day, it's just push, push, push to achieve this or that, keep this appointment, attend that commitment. When the apostle Paul said he would be all things to all men, I don't think he meant that we have to wear ourselves out being "present" to all knowledge, activities, and people's demands. Royals have schedules; they don't say yes to everybody and everything offered to them or demanded of them. They are not "scattered", but are purposeful in the use of their time. A grand thing to which I aspire is not to be scattered, but to be centered. Thanks again for your very important thoughts, and I pray the Lord will continue to lead you in this good work.
ReplyDeleteGreat insight into royal life, Gail. Yes now you mention it, they aren’t distracted by every call to do something. They have a quota and they revive with regular rest on purpose.
ReplyDeleteMay I say how glad I am that I have found your blog, and how much I am enjoying your videos? Since we retired my husband spends much of his time on our allotment which is over a mile away from our house. I don't know whether or not you have allotments in the USA? Here in the UK they are plots of land on large sites which you can rent from the local council and on which you can create gardens and grow fruit, vegetables and flowers. Anyway, in consequence of his hobby - which I wholeheartedly support by the way, as I also enjoy sharing the 'fruits' of his labours - I am often alone for much of the day and have been feeling increasingly lonely and isolated, despite the fact that I actually live in a large city, and not in a rural location at all.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I listened to your video whilst I washed and dried the breakfast pots, and prepared a rhubarb crumble and the vegetables for lunch, I was especially interested in the points you made about; looking for things in our lives to be grateful for, allowing ourselves to make things which are creative even if not necessarily immediately useful, and for you stressing that as homemakers we need to rest and not be constantly on the go. Thank you so much. You have given me much to think about. It was like having a friend call in to offer me advice and help.
With very best wishes Lesley
Lesley, I'm very happy to see you here! Appreciate your useful remark too! Please follow or check for more posts!! You are welcome here.
ReplyDeleteGail I loved the description of the homemaker with her wash, coffee, housework, etc. I will speak more about this on a video if I can get to it, today
ReplyDeleteVery encouraging....and your videos always come right when I need them. Uncanny! I have more to say, but my tablet battery is dying. I'll be back.
ReplyDeleteThank you for another beautiful and encouraging video, Lydia!
ReplyDeleteI always find your blog a restful and refreshing place to visit.
HI Lady Lydia! I very much enjoyed your video, thanks! I ordered an April Cornell dress today: I hope it fits me!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to a time where I will order April myself. I have my eye toward several of them!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy listening to your videos while I do my daily work - I listen to them over and over again and always get something new out of them:) I especially appreciate how positive and upbeat you are!
ReplyDeleteSince you have asked for comments on topics, what are your thoughts about friendships for the homemaker? In my life, I have had friends come and go as people have moved away, and others have come along for seasons. I have a few that have stayed friends for years, and others have not. Sometimes friends just drift away - those are the ones that are most difficult for me. Sometimes I struggle to understand this and wonder if others have the same experience. I am a pastor's wife, and sometimes wonder if this has any affect on friendships. Anyway, just curious as to your thoughts and experience.
I appreciate it, Tammy.
ReplyDeleteI do realize that people will treat you as though you were set apart from them. takes quite awhile to make people realize you are part of the group, due to the preacher's part with the church.
To finally finish my comment, I just had to chime in with what I completed listening to your video -- loading the dishwasher, hand washing the remaining dishes, and sorting the days laundry. Your videos encourage me to be productive.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I tremendously enjoyed reading about the days of Gail's grandmother. And Tammy, I have often wondered about the "drifting" friends, too. Sometimes I'm glad they drift away because the friendship sort of felt like an obligation. Others have troubled me, but I think probably it just wasn't a match, and that is okay. I'd hate for others to feel obligated to remain my friend. Certainly we've all remained civil and friendly when we meet (like at church or school), but we no longer get together. I kind of like having only one or two close friends anyway.
I'm not a pastor's wife, but that I would assume that might add a layer of difficulty to the situation.
Thank-you, Lydia and Jenny. I appreciate your insight and your sharing it with me:)