Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Crispy Outside!

Someone suggested walking 10 minutes, three times a day, and this is the perfect crispy air for it!

Empire apples are the deepest red color, and there is a Pink Lady among them, which was originally developed in the state of Victoria, Australia, and, I think maybe the original location was the Mornington Peninsula.

A pumpkin themed teacup and saucer ($6.95) I came across at Marshalls but only one!  Maryland China company has them also but a higher price.  

To make proper scones that are crisp on the outside and soft with large pull apart layers on the inside, according to America's Test Kitchen and Cook's Illustrated and other cooking magazines, heat the liquid ingredients a little before mixing.  It worked for me.

These long sweaters that are so available now and worn by many young ladies are quite feminine and add a "dress" factor to their appearance, so that even if they are wearing jeans, they look very distinctly female. I quite like this look because it steers women to the idea of the long dress, as well as looking like a long dress from the back.  
This comes in dusty pink and baby pink...


apple green

dark purple

It is nice to see the young women wearing pretty clothes, and especially these long cardigans. These are from Walmart and are available in other colors than the ones shown here and of course I want them all. I would prefer natural fibres but I do like these. I have not tried them on at Walmart and not even sure they are available here but these are such a good addition to any wardrobe, I think.

Here are the links you asked for regarding nutrition. Great to listen to while you do other things around the house. Not everything will be applicable to your own case, and yet there is sound information here. One lady says that supplements are not a magic pill but are supposed to supplement an already good way of eating and living. No amount of supplements can cure or cover up bad food or bad eating habits. Many people who are not living in full health will say, "but I took my vitamins!"

Lindy Ford Nutrition and Wellness

Dr. Becky Gillespie

Thank you for your comments. They give me good ideas.

Details of the china cups shown in the background of one photo above: These are from Homegoods, TJ Maxx, Marshalls or Ross and are usually under $5 each.


  1. Your scone looks so good. Thanks for the tip about heating the ingredients.

  2. Commenting on your post that does not have a video today because from what I understand making videos takes extra time and sometimes that time may not be available to us, but you still took the time for a post which I enjoyed reading. I must begin by saying, with a smile, I ironed this afternoon while watching the video of you wearing that sweater, of the most lovely shade of pink, you talk about on this post. And you do look good in that color, it is soft and feminine and makes your completion lighten up so beautifully. It seems you are making my ironing way too fun😊 these days. I actually look forward to ironing knowing I can listen to your video! Empire apples are a variety of apple I recently heard about for the first time. And I heard they were marvelous.

  3. Lydia, fun to see your reference to the 3-times-a-day, 10 minute walks. And you are blessed to have a lot of lawn to enjoy, as I once had as well...the sweaters are tempting...I may break down and get one...I saw them at my Walmart the other day.

  4. Yours scones/biscuits look really yummy! Thank you for that tip too.

  5. Thank you for this lovely post.

  6. So nice to see you post again. I miss them.

  7. Hello Lydia~Thank you for the scones tip. Can I ask what brand those beautiful cups are with the pink flowers on them?

    It's good to read what you are up to. I started dividing my walks a few weeks ago. I do 12 min in the morning and about 5 after dinner (if it's not too dark). I get less tired and I can walk longer in the day as a whole.

    Have a blessed day. I'm off to listen to your last video while I order supplements and finish off my last basket I started weaving.


  8. I will add some pictures of the china mugs. The name is English Rose by Roy Kirkham and is found at Home Goods (TJ Maxx), Marshalls, and Ross discount stores for a few dollars each. I've since seen some really pretty ones but hesitated, and when I went back, they were gone. These days, pretty is so well liked that its not worth thinking about it and missing out, especially at $3.00 each

  9. What a fun pumpkin teacup!
    Lydia, I really love your videos- they keep me so motivated in the mornings while I do my basic housework. It is amazing how much I get done while listening, and the subject matter is so interesting. You are good company and an inspiration.

  10. Hello Lydia, What a nice surprise to see your written post! You have such a beautiful collection of tea cups and mugs! I enjoy both, because I like holding the taller one between my hands when it's cold! Those sweaters look just lovely! And you are so right about buying what you see in most stores when they're pretty and a good price as soon as you turn your head they are gone. Hugs, Roxy

  11. I have 4 long sweaters that I bought from Zulily last year. I wear them with slacks and they are so comfortable. We went to 2 concerts last week and I wore a different one, with an antique brooch, each night. They feel so good and are perfect for our sort of fall weather.

    Is Morrington in Western Australia? That's where the information says the Cripps Pink was propagated. I like them, they are tasty.

  12. Hi Lydia,
    Thank you for talking about negative, corrective people.
    My husband gets like that and now I say, ‘you could be right’ 😊
    I also have a small pad and pen nearby if he wants to go on and on, not converse really.
    I enjoy your talks and I think you are cute too!
    God bless you! I feel good about being a homemaker again!

  13. Dear Mrs. Sherman,

    I am so very grateful for your videos. I'm a product of the progressive 90s where I was told I can be whatever I want when I grow up. I immediately ruled out being a housewife as it seemed "beneath" me. Now in my 30s I'm homeschooling my children and am learning to really care for my home, husband and kids. I'm grateful for your Listen While you Work videos. It definitely encourages me that it's okay to stay home and it's a worthwhile endeavor to serve at home under the Lord's will. Thank you for being a Christian woman in a dark world.


  14. Thank you again Dear Lydia for your videos. 😊 (I usually watch each one in parts.) You ask what we accomplish while listening to them…

    Today – unpacked the groceries, had lunch, tidied, retrieved a small amount of washing from the line, folded it, ironed.

    Yesterday, if I remember correctly, I washed the dishes, thoroughly cleaned the sink, sterilized the sponges, deep cleaned mugs reserved for visitors, cleaned out under the sink, tidied parts of the pantry, reorganized a top kitchen drawer.

    Thank you for all your work. 😊 (Including all your articles over the years – such a blessing!)

    Kindest regards,

    Linda L.

  15. What a great tip about breaking the walk up into three separate times! Thank you for your blogs and listening videos. They have made my chores so much lighter and fun to perform.


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