Saturday, November 09, 2019

Listen While You Work: Motivation, Harmonious Conversation, "Presentation is Everything"

Please leave a comment and tell me what all you accomplished, and anything else you want to say!

Here is the word I was speaking of: asceticism.  It is mentioned in Colossians 2:20-23, warning against its severity.


  1. Thank you so much for your blog. I love listening to your encouragement. I live overseas with my husband because we are military and I can get quite lonely. It's nice to hear someone cheering me on and reminding me that there is purpose in my routine. Thank you so much and God Bless. 💕

  2. The color peach suites you well. Thank you for the awsome blog.😀

  3. Thank you again for a very interesting and encouraging talk. Your lovely lounge room looks so inviting and welcoming today, I really feel as though I have been around for a visit and a chat over a cup of tea! I like your tips for getting the day started, by making ourselves presentable - you are right Lydia, the days I hang around in my 'comfy' clothes too long are the days when people call round unexpectedly!
    I am going outside to do some yard tidying now and then I will continue to watch your videos while I prepare food for this evening. Take care and have a good day.

  4. Thanks for watching! Also many times when someone says, "I don't need to cover my feet at home or in the kitchen" is the day their feet get hurt. Or when someone says they never have a messy house and can't understand how people have rooms that are in disarray, is the day they are called out for an emergency or someone at home gets sick, or they themselves have to go to bed, or they have overnight company and have to refresh the guest room, and catch up on kitchen work due to the extra dishes. Its never good to assume it will not happen to us!!

  5. Aliya, I like your name.

  6. thank you for another lovely video. I find the videos encouraging. I also love to see different areas of your house and the pretty clothes and colours that you wear. It is nice to hear positive comments about homemaking as a lot of people can just take for granted what is done every day. Housework and childrearing never seem to end so it is nice to be reminded to enjoy what you are doing instead of just doing things automatically. I try to do the ironing or tidy a drawer or cupboard while i am listening as it helps those jobs get done quicker. Thank you Ann

  7. I've been listening to many of your videos as I work around my home. You're really motivating me to get things done.
    No work this week though. I am having post-mastectomy surgery again.
    Blessings to you!
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage
    Carthage, Missouri

  8. I enjoy your blog and videos.Homemaking is an honorable job.😀

  9. Dearest Lydia,
    Just seeing glimpses of your beautiful front room and your lovely appearance was motivation enough for me to begin my day off with glad anticipation! Thank you! I really enjoyed your talk today, Lydia. Your perspective on persecution is something I can wholeheartedly agree with. Even though it is interesting to research past history, I do not desire to go back and live in those days. I thank the Lord for the industrial revolution and the modern conveniences it has blessed men and women with. I also enjoy your advice on dealing with prickly people, since we all live around or with individuals that want to steal our joy. The familiar “presentation is everything” was something my children learned in 4-H years ago when they took food projects to the fair to be judged. I remember my daughters receiving blue ribbons based upon the fact that the food was presented in an appealing manner. It may not have tasted the best, but it definitely looked the best!!
    Again, thank you for the time you take to make these videos. We, as housewives and mothers, are learning to lay up treasures in heaven as we care for our families and homes. God bless you.


  10. I appreciate the comments, everyone. This was not exactly the smoothest presentation I can do, but hopefully I can clear up any misunderstandings in the next video.

    At a recent local fair, many people won blue ribbons for things that were not quite done perfectly but because they used the most high quality materials, the judges favored the item.

  11. Lydia, I listened to this talk while I checked some old patterns for completeness (it was a trial, because in the last group of old patterns I bought from the 1950s, many of the pieces were in the wrong envelopes). I also did some work on my Etsy shop.

    I must say you look very pretty in this video. That peace colour looks very well on you, and your lipstick matches perfectly. :)

    I liked what you said about not romanticizing the past. I remember once when I was a young teen, going for a walk with my father and asking him what time period in history he would like to live in. He said, right now! And I thought he was crazy. I was young and romantic and I thought the time of knights and castles would be just lovely. Now that I am older and wiser, I too feel grateful that I was born into a time with so much comfort and prosperity.

  12. Oops, I meant "peach" not "peace." :)

  13. Hi Lydia!

    I really enjoy listening to your words of wisdom all the way from The Netherlands. Here, it is also quite uncommon for a woman to stay home full-time, especially after the kids enter 1st grade. It is almost looked down on, as if one is "lazy" to just stay at home all day and not "participate" in society. As someone who has just turned to faith and hasn't been taught about home making from an early age, it really is so nice to listen to your videos while doing housework. Thank you for your encouragement and God bless...

  14. Ashley, As one who hasn't grown up homemaking, do you find it eventually comes to you quite naturally? What were some of your problems getting adjusted?

  15. I finally went into a HomeGoods store. What a lovely selection of kettles and cast iron tea pots, among everything else. Definiately going back again.

  16. I've just found your videos, and have gone back and listened to most of them.i watch then while I do the dishes. I really like the segments on dealing with people. Thanks so much Hope you will continue


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