Monday, March 30, 2020

Women Reading in 19th Century Realist Paintings

Hello Ladies,

I hope everyone is able to focus on the tasks at home, on teaching and nurturing children, on being a light and a stable influence at home and anywhere else.

As I rarely discuss politics or the news here, I would like to point you all to the Thinking Housewife site where she has for several pages posted about the current crisis, which has a lot to do with fear. As I have talked a lot about the debilitating effect of fear on recent videos, I thought some of you can benefit from this.  It is not for the faint hearted but it offers an alternative to the media hype. So please click on the title in the large blue script and go to it. At the end of each of her pages there is an "older entries" button. Please keep reading when you have time, all of her older entries on this subject.

Also go to the newest Ron Paul Video. (click the words)

 Because I like the Victorian era, a lot of people have jumped to wrong conclusions, one being that I don't believe in reading or education. That is entirely untrue. I educated my own children all through highschool and I have thousands of books to prove it.  I do read "the other side"'s  news media just to see what they are up to, but I do not believe in it.

Please check out this BRILLIANT POST here by someone who was raised right ;-)
 I will be trying to find the names of the artists and the names of the paintings later on. Until then, I thought you might enjoy Thinking Housewife. in these uncertain times.

If you are more interested in research, check out The Amazing Polly

In a new video I plan to discuss how to make life "certain" when the world says that it is "uncertain."

I'm hoping to get that video done today.


  1. Beautiful images. If the world could see the libraries we homeschool families have amassed I think they would be stunned! We have more bookcases in our house than anything else.
    I found the Thinking Housewife article, and I think she's right on the mark.
    Btw, the link didn't work for me.

  2. This post reminds me of the Tasha Tudor quote, "I enjoy doing housework, ironing, washing, cooking, dishwashing. Whenever I get one of those questionaires and they ask what is your profession, I always put down housewife. It's an admirable profession, why apologize for it. You aren't stupid because you're a housewife. When you're stirring the jam you can read Shakespeare."

  3. You are right. Most homeschoolers have rooms full of books and at least one room that is wall to wall shelving of books. The children grow up and have loved the books so much they get duplicates of their favorite books from the homeschool experience. That's why I still have the ones we used. Every year each child got their own books, brand new, shiny, glossy covers, never used. So if you multiply 18 years by the amount of children, then add the books for each child, even if you only had one or two children, you end up with floor to ceiling books. Plus all the cookbooks, sewing books, books about speech, airplanes, house building, radio, and many other side interests, you've got a world full of books.


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