Monday, March 30, 2020

Appearance is Therapy, Don't Waste the Day, Build One Another Up, Book Review



  1. Hello Mrs Lydia!

    I wanted to say I am so blessed by your videos. I am a 52 yr old homemaker and empty nester, so my days can be lonely at times. Simply listening to your videos while I do my housework makes my days more enjoyable.

    God bless you!

  2. Hello Lydia, It was a joy to listen today. Especially about routines and lists. I did a blog post last week on the topic of being a homemaker and the need to keep routines, even in "interesting" times and times of stress. These routines keep the family grounded.

    In the spirit of sharing, I was dusting my Larder (the closet in our back bedroom has metal shelves) which hasn't been done in a long time. As I bustled removing items one shelf at a time and dusting, my husband came peeking around the corner at me and giggled. He pointed to my computer that was sitting on the arm of a little blue arm chair that is in my craft room (same room as my Larder) and he said "I wondered how you were watching her and working?" But he realized I was listening to you and I've shared many times with him how I listen, but can go about my work. It's very inspiring and helps me to get up and DO something.

    Today most of my Larder got dusted now it's snack and tea time. Then I shower and dress into casual clothes and start cooking as I wind down the day.

    Hugs to you. Maybe someday all your readers can put together a "listen while you work" for you to listen to as a Thank you.

    Peace be with you,

  3. Thank you, dear Lydia, for the regular, consistent broadcasts. I truly can’t thank you enough! I appreciate your efforts to try and dispel the fear that the current crisis has produced in so many. This quarantine has not changed my life as a homemaker too much. The stores in my area have a shortage of meat and toilet paper. But each time I venture out to do my shopping, I trust God will provide what I need. I don’t waste time and energy on listening to the media and public opinion. My eye is fixed on the Lord. He controls the current affairs, and whenever we are tempted to murmur and complain and give only bad reports, we are, in essence,
    murmuring against Him.

    I have been working through a big closet cleaning makeover, and I am finally able to reap the benefits of having a place for everything and everything in its place. I am enjoying these bigger types of projects now that I am an empty nester. Your videos have really played a huge role in helping me to stretch myself and launch out into projects like this.

    Thank you for these timely, inspiring visits. Sending love to you, Lydia.

    Blessings, Holly

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. Mrs. Sherman,
    Thank you so much for all of your wonderful and calming advice. You don’t know how much this is helping me esp during this difficult time😊

  5. Dear Mrs Sherman,
    As I listened to this yesterday I made 4 pots of rhubarb and vanilla jam, and set a baking of bread to rise. Our house is only small, but over the past fortnight I have deep cleaned every room in it and am so enjoying the results. I would like to thank you again for your wise words, they have really helped me to refocus my thoughts.
    Best wishes from England

  6. My notebook is full of those tips you give us. Thank you! My husband and I are watching the last seasons of Little House on the Prairie these days, and enjoying it soooo much. They give me peace and calm, and as I reread your words, I find both things together are such an inspiration! When you refer to the olden days or our grandmothers' habits, the image of Caroline Ingalls comes to my mind and softens anything with her sweetness and practicality. I wish I could do just half of the things those women knew how to do! Thank you for every video and post, you are a blessing.

  7. Hoping to post another one soon

  8. Enjoyed listening today! I'm working my way backwards through your videos. Thank you for doing these, they are such a blessing! <3

  9. I so LOVE Your Blog,,,,,,,I just wish sometimes instead of a Video, it could be written out....Thank YOU for ALL YOU DO.....DEB


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