Monday, April 20, 2020

Dressing Up Gives Life Dignity, It Is Better to Light One Candle, Work Develops Skill and Capital

Hello Ladies,

I hope this keeps you company while you go about your life at home today.

"The Half Has Never Yet Been Told"

  If you are unable to comment here, please go to my email on the side bar and I'll post it for you. Indicate if it is a comment, or if it is private.

For those interested in politics from positive view check out X22 Report  Note: this was recommended to me and although I found it interesting, I don't necessarily endorse every video on this channel.


  1. Dear Lydia,
    I am a little behind in listening your Homemaking Radio - I just finished the Friday, April 17, episode.
    Today I listened to the first half of the episode while hand-washing a load of dishes, then listened to the other half while sitting and crocheting and drinking a cup of hot tea. It gave me just the lift I needed to then dry and put away the dishes.
    I so enjoy listening and am always encouraged. Thank you for making each episode and sharing all you do.
    Kind regards from Lynnea

  2. Dear Lydia,

    I thought about what you said in being “for us”, and I can definitely see how true that is through your homemaker radio broadcasts and blog posts. It is a homemaker lifeline for so many. I am glad you are keeping us updated on your research findings as you venture into town. I am planning on going to Walmart tomorrow... perhaps the chicken will be unavailable again since there’s a run on meat. Well, at least I was finally able to purchase toilet paper at my last shopping trip.😏

    You expend so much energy and thought on making these videos for us, Lydia. It reminds me of Romans 12:2...a living sacrifice. You give us so much of your precious time. May the Lord bless you richly.

    Your friend,

  3. Dear Lydia,
    First I thank you that you're a woman of God! I really enjoy your channel and have learned so much in just a few days of listening to you! I have a job that requires me to drive 5 hours a day(collectively)so I have you playing on my phone and it is delightful! I live near Dallas, TX and work 3 days part-time while I'm still raising two young children. My husband is not working right now because of the "crisis" so they're enjoying this sweet time together ❤
    I must say hearing you makes my day, you're a blessing and a teacher I've always wanted. You not only encourage but you inspire. I always give you thumbs up and I look forward to hearing all your thoughts,stories, ideas, etc..on your channel

  4. Thank you so much for sharing a picture of your newsletter with us. I so appreciate all that you do.

  5. Mrs. Sherman, You are my go to videos these days! Your perspective is so fresh and new to me. Young people always say the same things, the same opinions, the same cultural lens, the same disclaimers for their thoughts. You come from a different era with a renewed mind from the Lord. Your thoughts are unique and special. I just love hearing about the home, dressing, mothering, and I love when read stories. I have such a calm voice and a servant mindedness about blessing us with these videos. I wish millions of women could enjoy your videos but you are serving the people here so wonderfully. You are a TREASURE to me and to others we need your Godly mature perspective on life. Thank you to God for bringing you through your own trials to teach such beautiful insight. Jesus bless you forever!

  6. Thanks Marie, I am hoping to do better!! Today is the day I am planning another video.

  7. Dear Mrs. Sherman,
    I want you to know that I listen to your videos often as I get dressed and make myself look nice. I then continue as I begin my work. I've been doing this for a few months now. I am more consistently dressing up whether I leave the home or not. Listening also helps me keep moving on to the next thing to be done. I must admit, my favorite has been listening while sewing though.
    I am writing this morning to tell you of a challenge that my 18 year old daughter and I have been undertaking. We are trying to drink all the tea in the house so that we may start over fresh! We are on our last box of tea, and I ordered a box of Yorkshire Gold this morning at your suggestion. I look forward to trying it. It has been fun to talk about what kinds of tea we wish to fill our tea drawer with next. My husband's favorite, and one of mine too, is Constant Comment by Bigelow. That will definitely make the cut.

    Well, I work at the chiropractor's office for a few hours this morning, so I must finish my cup of Sugar Cookie Sleighride, and be off.

    Blessings to you,
    Laura Lane

  8. Thank you for another lovely talk. I listened to this one, as usual, while I made supper. I must say, I really enjoy it when you read to us from the McGuffy readers. What treasures those old books were!

  9. I agree Laura Jeanne. I never had the opportunity to read the McGuffys myself.


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