Saturday, April 18, 2020

Preparation for the Day, Get Your List Ready, Don't Forget the Tea.

Hello Ladies,

This isn’t well lighted today but it is intended as a listening tool, like radio, and isn’t for watching.

Hello Ladies,  Because I quoted the Edmund Spenser poem, I included it here on the clip from Sense and Sensibility, where Colonel Brandon is reading it to Marianne.

"For whatsoever from one place doth fall
Is with the tide unto another brought;
For there is nothing lost that may be found,
If sought"

And, as I mentioned  Luke 8:17, I'll include that here, too:

"For nothing is hidden 
That will not be made manifest,
Nor is anything secret
That will not be made known
And come to light."

 Books I reviewed in the video:

 Back to Basics (Readers Digest 1981)

Home Made Best Made (Readers Digest 1991)

Cooks Country "Cook it Right" (May 2020)

 available in grocery stores, Walmart, and other stores.

Barbour Books (Good Clean Romance Historical Series--9 Historical Stories in each volume) Available at Walmart and online.


  1. Please, Lydia, take a picture of your newsletter and post it. I would so love to read it. Also, I just love your YouTube channel. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. Please don't get tired and discouraged, but continue on so that we can all benefit from the things you know. Many blessings, LuAnne

  2. I so look forward to your blogs/vlogs. I save them all on a play list and listen throughout the day. Thank you for your time and insight!

  3. Thank you for another lovely program. I’m catching up on all of them now that I am home. I have always dressed each morning but now that I am working from home, I can see how easy it would be to stay in my robe all day! I make a very conscious effort to get dressed and have my hair done before my “work day” begins at 8:00 so that I am happy, relaxed, and ready to work. I would LOVE to be on your newsletter mail list if you ever decide to expand it!

  4. Mrs. Sherman, I’ve so enjoyed listening to your YouTube channel as I get ready each day. Such encouragement!!!!!

    I was wondering if Mr. Sherman’s sermons are online anywhere? I would love to listen and learn!

    Thank you for all you do!


  5. Thank you very much for your radio programs! I know they're intended for working while I listen, but I like to listen early in the morning while rocking my baby. You help me have a good outlook to start the day before my family wakes up. What you say is so much kinder to the heart than the news. I'll never go back to those "Good Morning" news shows!
    Thank you and praying God blesses you,

  6. Dear Lydia,
    I can’t thank you enough for your beautiful blog and videos. You always ask what our motivation is, well you are dear lady! I can’t wait to find just the right time to listen to your video as I work. I’ve accomplished so much with you at my side. I recently cleaned out under the kitchen sink. What a blessing to open the cabinet and see order! I too like to open drawers and cabinets and feel happy and this chore was well over due. I’m sad I can’t post in blogger. I just don’t know why! Here is what I’d like to tell ladies listening . While working, keep a note pad handy. I write words of wisdom, phrases that really pull at my heart also, reminders of things to read and study up on. I just listened to the video of when you made salad dressing and were feeling sad because you had not written it down. Keep that notepad handy! Lydia would you please do a video on how to clean the oven? My oven looks terrible due to a fail when I used a vinegar and baking soda method that left my oven covered in white clumps and mess. I’m at the point where I want to sweep it out with a broom it’s that bad! What I’ve done while listening: ironed, loads of laundry, cleaned kitchen (minus oven) damp mop walls, dust, test batteries, clean drawers. Ladies I have started to re-play all of Lydia’s you tube videos from day one. Ive started a kind of encouragement notebook for my self with things our Lydia has said. I’ve gained so much by listening again and there are some with Mr. S speaking. It’s just wonderful. God bless you Lydia, my sweet friend.
    Mrs. Lauren Griffin
    Sent from my iPhone

    1. awesome,I am so encouraged! I have started the notepad and pen 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs. Great advice 👍

  7. Dear Lydia,

    There was a plethora of information, advice, tips, and encouragement here in this broadcast. As long as you are speaking, I stay happily engaged in my work at home. You spoke in the past about people having “vices”... well, I suppose your homemaker radio is one of my vices.😏 I just really am blessed by something you share or say in each video. I seldom read others’ comments before posting one; however, I read one woman’s comment that even though she had never met you, she considered you a friend. I would like to heartily echo her sentiments on that. Thank you again for all your encouragement!


    Sent from my iPhone

  8. Good morning. I listened on YouTube this morning instead of the blog. I'm not sure if I'm commenting on the right post, but I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed hearing about all the uses for paper bags. I usually fill them with the things I want to give to charity or to wrap things I need to mail. I think I may just squirrel them away now and use the Walmart bags to give things away in.

    It is so refreshing to hear you speak as I work about my home. Thank you!
    Laura Lane
    Carthage, Missouri, USA

  9. Thats one use I forgot to add to the list of uses for paper bags. Here in the US we have the thick heavy sturdy grocery bags so there are more uses. But wrapping packages is one great use. Its a way of covering a box to send through the postal service, and it covers all the old markings on the original box, so that it doesn't get scanned wrongly. I save the bags for so many uses. Its kind of like the way they used burlap for many things besides packing potatoes.

  10. Hello Lydia,
    I felt as if I must reply to you on your blog...because I should. And I need to let you know I am not a troll😊.
    I sent an email to you not long ago about how I appreciated your political opinions and how I had my daughter listen to it as part of a history lesson. Thank you for your reply back to me.
    I, like so many of your other above repliers, look forward to listening to you on a regular basis. Your multifarious range of materials are extremely encouraging, enlightening as well as entertaining.
    I have done many things while listening: cooking dinner, ironing, cleaning the bathroom, sewing, and folding clothes.
    Thank you!

  11. I listened to this talk while I made supper - chili on rice.

    That list of things to do with paper bags was pretty interesting - I will have to remember some of those. All I ever used them for was for protecting the iron and ironing board when pressing autumn leaves in waxed paper (I love to do this each autumn, and I tape up the leaves in the windows afterwards.)

    I have that Back to Basics book too! It's a good one. I recently used the instructions in there for how to make our own maple syrup (we only have one big old maple tree, but apparently that's all you need). I have another Reader's Digest book from 1980 called The Reader's Digest Manual of Handicrafts. That one is really nice too, and has lots of information on things like weaving, rug making, painting, wood carving, candle making, bookbinding, pottery, and all kinds of things. I should really get that book out more often but I admit I usually go first to Youtube when I want to learn how to do something - I have so many books but forget about them sometimes. The other book you mentioned, Home Made Best Made, sounds like a really nice one for my domestically-minded 9 year old daughter...I'll have to see if the library has it....once the library opens again!

    One more thing, you think it might be possible to somehow increase the volume of your videos? I listen to them on my inexpensive tablet, and the volume doesn't go really high. I can listen to almost anything on Youtube just fine, but for some reason your videos seem to be more quiet, and I can't sometimes turn the volume up as much as I would like. Sometimes I miss a few words of what you are saying, especially when I am cooking and the food is sizzling, and I don't want to miss a word. :)


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