Wednesday, April 01, 2020

The Scriptural Importance of Work, Dressed and Ready No Matter What, Ignoring the Media


  1. Love the radio-cast. You're right on all counts. I do hope this forced home-time the world is experiencing will cause potential homemakers to realize the value and monetary savings involved in staying/working in the home. It's a win win situation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Lydia,
    Before I went to your blog, I was hoping you would have a new video for us. Sure enough, you came through again! Thank you.

    You didn’t lose any votes here, Lydia. I think you have a very good understanding of the underlying issues with all the media hype. I appreciated your courage to share your perspective on all this using the principles and teaching from the Bible. Maybe it will help others to understand what’s going on by getting back into His Word.

    I, too, suffered under a lot of criticism from family, friends, and the church(sadly) when we began homeschooling in the 1980’s. We were pioneers back then, but I have no regrets and only blessings from being able to have my children guarded and guided in the home.

    You really put forth great effort and time in today’s broadcast. May God bless you.


    Sent from my iPhone

  4. Holly I love that yours is sometimes the first comment.
    Others: if you don't want to register on blogger or google, just send me an email and I will post it. Indicate when you don't want it posted.

  5. Dear Mrs. Sherman...
    I just listened to your latest video while I cleaned up my kitchen. You, dear lady...
    God bless and keep you..

  6. My second vote on this video--I am extremely diverted and amused!!!!!

  7. πŸ’ŒVery helpful video Lady Lydia. You are a God-send.Thank you for your time and encouragement. God blessπŸ˜‡πŸ’— Love you!

  8. Very much enjoyed your video as I spent several hours sewing row covers for low tunnels for my garden. I really needed to hear everything you shared. Thanks for rowing upstream. May I divert & amuse you further, my dear Elizabeth, by making my vote your third? ;)

  9. I am excessively diverted! I expected to see the video removed by the powers that be, and it has been on long enough to get a third vote!

  10. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Loved this!! I did ironing of the fresh bedding (hung on the line), swept and tidied a cupboard. What I love about your videos ... it is safe for my home-educating youth to listen along - thank you! They enjoyed the story today from the McGuffy book.

  11. Lydia I started homeschooling in 2002 when my first son came home from the hospital (being born) and I had used up all the ink in our computer printing a page-size "M", and I held it up for him to read (1 day old) LOL!!! and started teaching him. My mother would talk to him all day while she held him in her arms (she didn't like to put him down) and after I would breast feed him I would go back to work in the home (a secretary for my husbands very successful construction business) while she held him, watched him sleep and then eventually fell asleep still holding him. He grew up to be very independent and at 17 he has two jobs (well paid) and is looking forward to attending college this fall. Homeschooling didn't hold him back as well as my second son who will attend college this fall also at age 15. I did hold them back a couple of years while i traveled with them all over parts of Europe, and the middle east (VERY cheaply... it can be done). Anyway, I encourage everyone to home school and everyone that knows us congratulate us with how the boys turned out, but while we were doing it these are some of the same people who criticized mercilessly. My Pastor was very supportive and very encouraging but some people criticized because they knew they didn't want to do it themselves. I've given books and videos that could help children (because I knew their parents wouldn't help their own children) and some mothers told me they couldn't let the children watch the videos because they had to watch their 'stories' day time dramas.

    When I first found you on LAF in 2005 I was hoping for some girls so that I could make clothes, etc.(my boys were pretty good at that too. Lol! I could only get them to do it for Family Science classes, but they were good at it) but I used your examples to train them into what to look for in a girl who them might be interested. All I say right now is that it worked.

    I can't even tell you the things we did. No one would believe it so I don't usually bother. But, going into home school with the blessing of the Heavenly Father has been miraculous for us. Not written very well ... cleaning the stove for Passover.

    Please don't bother to share this Lydia... I just like being to be in contact with you because what you've said over the years are so true.


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