Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Comfort Zone, Refinement #3

Hello Ladies, 
I hope you get a lot accomplished while you listen.

For those who are troubled about the current events, please listen to Peggy Hall at Healthy American. This is in California but what she explains is applicable to all States.

Also, the X22 Report is very good today.

Today's Refinement Assignment:

Care of the Eyes: List some things good for the eyes to see.
Prepare a pleasing table setting
Dress for dinner
Learn something about how to breathe, perhaps from a physical therapist video, and practice it for one minute.
Go for a walk, slowly and observe the following:
What do you hear, see, smell, feel, think.

I hope you have made a little book to keep track of the refinement lessons, similar to the one I showed you in the previous video.

Scene: from the north room with a view.

This is the verse I quoted at the start of the video:

Romans 8:37-39

Here is a song to hear and eventually play enough to sing along with today:

For those still concerned about losing their physical freedom,
go to Healthy American for information on how you can help your government,
your businesses, and your society.


  1. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Yes! I made my little book yesterday. I used computer paper and folded it over, coloring with colored pencils. I hole punched and added a pretty ribbon through the three holes!
    Thank you for all your very much appreciated effort!

  2. Good Morning Lydia!
    I just love your analogies and elucidations of your comments. Yes, I too want to believe that they want to make us walk around with helmets. That's such an eye-opening statement. It was always a joke for people to say things like, "They didn't give us any knee-pads to roller skate with" Everything is so protected now it's a weird feeling... it's a feeling of control... And yes it is not our responsibility as mothers to watch the news... I've never enjoyed it because I would feel the tension in my stomach when I did... So again you're so right! But your points are awesome. May there be many blessings on you and your family.

    Well, the Savior showed us to be patient with children... but because of you, I've been practising (trying) some of the refinement points... I never realized before that correction could be considered as criticizing. I don't know why I never considered it... but I know now.

    I found a nice woman that does some etiquette videos on YT... the Modern Lady and Mrs. Midwest... the ironic thing is as I got more efficient like a drill sargent (i.e. masculine) (being in a family full of men) I didn't concentrate on me but for my boys, I used to give them an "Encouragement" class with 'the Art of Manliness'. Lol!

    Oh well, now homeschool is over for them now I can concentrate on homeschooling myself. For an example, we have a new organist in services and I play the piano... well the old organist used to change the sharps to flats but this one doesn't so now I'm practising the piano again, seriously, like a novice trying to re-learn all the sharp pieces. Lol, again! But I really like it.

    Have a great day Lydia!

  3. Dear Lydia,
    Thank you for these lessons on refinement! I have listed all of them in my notebook of favorite quotes and inspirational sayings. God bless you for teaching so beautifully.

  4. Not sure what all she did, but she got her county to give up the mask mandate, and hopes to extend this to other counties and states. I watched someone today who was stopped at the entrance of a business, reading the information on the cards that were on the website and they let her in without an argument. However she did have to read it and I'm sure it made her feel really drained having to explain that no law has been passed and the constitution is still in effect, and that a governor is an administrator, not a law giver. The legislature is the lawmaker, and the governor only approves or vetoes the law after it has been voted for.


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