Thursday, July 02, 2020

Fragrance, Home Appreciation Day, Refinement #4

I hope you get a few things done while listening, even though this is shorter than usual. Just click the continuous play on the left of this blog to have more videos to listen to.

Refinement Assignment:

Enjoy a Scented Walk
For an entire day, say nothing about the current events.
Write what scene (in the house or yard) you would like to wake up to, that you can actually make possible. Go through some magazines that have some homey scenes of beautiful rooms and get some ideas to use.  I like Victoria and Victoria Classics publications.
Listen to the song several times throughout a day, until you can sing along.

Today's verse:
But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.

Today's Song (with the word "fragrance" in it.)

What we are:
-cast down

What we are "not":
-not defeated
-not crushed
-not in despair
-not destroyed

2 Corinthians 4:7-11


  1. Dear Lydia,

    Each one of your homemaker videos is a blessing, whether short or long. I always glean something special from them.

    Today you spoke soothing words about our responsibilities in the home, and I found that so very stabilizing. The world is in chaos and fear perpetuated, largely, by listening to the media. Our work in the home creates a safe haven from all the confusion. It is a reminder of the place that is being prepared for us in heaven. This is where our eternal citizenship resides!🙂

    I am enjoying all the refining tips and being homeschooled again by the same material I taught my children from. It’s like a walk down memory lane. Thank you!!


  2. I appreciate you doing a talk for us even when you're so busy. I've come to depend on your talks for a voice of sanity and positivity in these crazy times. :)

    1. I've come to depend on them, too. There is something so pure and renewing about these talks by Lydia. I'm always both commforted and strengthened in my faith in Christ, in very practical, encouraging ways. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days for others, Lady Lydia! ♥️

  3. Thank you so much for encouraging us regarding the beating outsiders are doing to our country right now. I do need this constant encouragement, as I can easily discern attacks on our freedoms and attitudes. But in the long run, we must be happy as we are promised eternal joy!

  4. Dear Lydia,
    I enjoy each and every homemaker radio episode, whether short or long. I washed a load of dishes while listening to this.
    Your ideas and suggestions on dressing one's best each day are always helpful, such as simply adding a little something different at the collar.
    As suggested in your recent refinement lessons, I put together my little notebook using pretty paper for the cover, soft sparkly ribbon ties from a used gift bag, and plain white printer paper on the inside for writing the lists and notes. I used the directions from an old post of yours (2009, I think) for making an easy, simple booklet.

  5. Hello Mrs. Sherman,

    Today I enjoyed listening to two episodes while preparing to host our church 4th of July celebration. I heard you mention the possibility of setting up a Zoom meeting and want you to know that my friend Liz and I would love to have the opportunity to meet you in this way. You have been such a support to us and we talk about you all the time!

    Thank you,

    Melissa Severance
    Cincinnati, Ohio

  6. Perhaps you ladies could list some subjects to discuss and a good time of day to do something like this. Zoom allows 10 people on the program.


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