Saturday, October 31, 2020

Homemaker Challenge 6

Please enjoy listening while you go about your home keeping today.

The video ends rather abruptly. We are fixing that problem soon!

Today's Challenges: 
Find a sit-in-a-chair exercise and follow as best you can.
Make a list and do everything on it.
Clean out something you use every day, such as your personal care container.
Read something aloud.

Very fine weather today.

By now you should be able to make your own homemaking challenge for one day.

This bright moonlight made a nice glow on the road.

The clothing I wore in the video:

This was an outfit I bought 20 years ago, natural fibers, very comfortable. It was used as semi formal wear back in the day, but it works well for the home.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Home Challenge #5

Today is the 5th homemaker challenge, and I hope you will make up your own challenges and try to follow them. 


Challenge #5:

Exercise 5 minutes--find a video on YouTube that suits you. I use Fabulous 50's.

Personal care and preparation before beginning the many duties at home.

Create a master list.

Do your daily work (the things most urgent) and add one thing from your master list. 

Put something away that you have been neglecting.

Reduce Anxiety before bed:  Stretch exercise before bed . a relaxing bath, something good to read, 
or a pleasant movie after retiring.

Remember, as I said in the video:  Do not allow your mind to shut down.
Do not allow your muscles to shut down. Do not allow your creativity to shut down.

Here are some videos I like to watch when I have time:

The Princess Home - Soothing and Inspiring
Painting - Sometimes just watching these are relaxing but I hope to actually do one of the paintings soon. 
Living in a Ghost Town - Young man rebuilds an abandoned town
Weather and Climate Sounds -  "The Relaxed Guy" records Rainforests, beaches, rivers, meadows, etc. I listen to them when I have to be indoors doing slow, tedious type work. 

These are the books I read from in the video:

(Please excuse the untimely ending of the video. )

The Shelf

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Homemaker Challenge # 4

This is the 4th day homemaker challenge, and I hope you will soon make up your own challenges to follow.

I've included my own fall hand sewn pumpkins made from some fleece chenille dot fabric.

Fabric: Fleece "minky" dot. 

These videos are created for listening while you work.


Here are the 4th day challenges:

1, Listen to the first part of the radio program which deals with preparation..
2.Change something about the interior of your home.
3. Find a 5 minute exercise routine that suits you, your age, health, etc.  Just do whatever you can and please don't think you have to keep up.just do one or two of each. Don't rush to judgement and say it is impossible, because you could do one of each! Look around on her site for 5 minute easy, beginner workout routines. 

Consider taking a picture of today's view in your own area.

The Book I read from in this radio program:
The Fallacy Detective:

The dress I wore:

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Homemaker Challenge #3 Motivation Ideas

All worthwhile endeavors at one time or another need motivation. 
My challenges today are designed to renew motivation in homemaking. 

Challenge # 4

Dress and appearance before anything!

1. Make a list of things that are possible to achieve, and follow it.
2. Choose some publications and books to look through that may help you regain interest.
3.Rearrange something, even if it is a small area of the home.
4. Find a 5 minute exercise to follow.  

Something I looked at today: 

Good quality publications by Hoffman Media

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Homemaking Challenge #2


Greetings Everyone,

Today I am sharing Challenge 2, and talking about something in the voters guide. It is a short talk but you might be able to get one thing done in your home while listening.

In the talk today I referred to paper bags and the numerous creative things you can do with them.
Here is an idea from Pinterest. You can look for paper bag crafts on Pinterest and find out more about this flower.

Homemaking Challenge #2:
Preparation: Skin care
Work: Put something in order in the home I have been avoiding
Create: Something from ordinary materials.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Homemaker Challenge #1

Hello Ladies,

I present a special homemaking challenge today which will be
described below the video.


Todays Challenge:

1.Good, Lovely and Wise Thoughts:  Substitute any  dreary thoughts or fears with thoughts of
 how you want things to be,
what you'd like to see,
and good things you want for yourself and your family

2.  Unclutter: Remove things that don't belong, remove things in crowded areas, for a spacious, streamlined look to your home.

3. Five minutes for exercises of your choice, and remember to breathe.

4. Make a list for the next day of things you'd like to accomplish or experience in your home.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Dress, Work, Create

Rain tea is on the menu today.


Thursday, October 08, 2020

Keep Hope and Optimism in Your Home Life

Welome. I hope you get a few things accomplished with today's radio program.

Pleasant weather we are having here:

Hoffman Media special issues have lovely photos. The back covers are always
a visual delight.


Saturday, October 03, 2020

Beautiful Days

This is the yard on the south corner of The Manse, which is recovering nicely from the smoke and fires. God sent rain in abundance and the land is looking good.

Eventually I want to make a video tour of The Manse and the surroundings. Also I am gathering my notes for another radio talk so you can get your kitchen cleaned up without knowing it 

Right now I will share a photo or two
Crafty pumpkins 

I hope to talk with you soon.