Thursday, March 04, 2021

Live Your Full Potential at Home

Please enjoy your home while you listen to Homemaking Radio:

Words to dwell on: 


  1. What a beautiful video, thanks again dear Lydia. We were missing you. This week I´ve been watching your old videos, I never get tired, there is so much inspiration. Please keep posting, you are doing an excellent job. God bless you abundantly and yours. Love, Maria.

  2. Hello Lyida~ Thank you so much for this program. I have crayon window crayons that I like to write notes on the bathroom mirror to my husband, and reminders for me. I wrote diligence on there and incentive. Your words and encouragement were so uplifting.

    I really need the reminders to do something else besides keeping up the house. It makes one dull and old to fast! But I tend to have the mind of - if I am making it then I should sell it. Though then I tend to only focus on making to sell. Balance!

    What are your thoughts on selling what you make?

    Have a lovely day,

  3. Very helpful and encouraging! I needed you 20 years ago ☺️. I cleaned out our "junk drawer" of home tools while I listened, and put away groceries. Thanks!

  4. I listened to part of this talk while I tidied up the attic (and I needed some moral support because that is not my favourite task) and part of it while I made supper. I really appreciated the advice and encouragement you gave about making do with a house which is somewhat disappointing - this is helpful to me.

  5. Dear Lydia,

    Thank you for sharing your life experiences in such a way that I can relate to and find the inspiration and encouragement to be industrious and content in my own place of service— the home.😊I surely do know there are many blessings in this Titus 2 calling, and oftentimes I NEED the reminders you convey that this is a GOOD life. God bless you for communicating that to me.


  6. This was such an encouraging video. Thank you again.


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