Tuesday, March 02, 2021

A Fresh New Day

Hello Ladies,

I hope to have a radio program here soon to listen while you enjoy your responsibilities at home.

Here are a few pictures around The Manse.
Cedar Tree

Tea Cup by Meritage

Homeschool Word Today:



  1. Lovely photos. Enjoy your day!

  2. Wow, daffodils already! How pretty. I think it will be about a month before we see any here. :)

  3. I just love to look at the photos in your posts too, Lydia! Such elegant touches of your home and other various beautiful inspiring pictures.

  4. Hello Mrs. Sherman. My internet is out for a few days while we change providers. My college age daughters and I are at a coffee shop. They've been doing homework. I completed my Spanish lesson on Duolingo Then I pulled up your video and I've been knitting a sock. I've missed your sweet voice while I do a bit of housework.Listening gives me a bit of incentive to get moving!

    I'm recovering from surgery, so I'm taking things easy, too.

    God bless you my blog friend.
    Laura Lane of Harvest Lane Cottage

  5. Laura, Thank you. So thoughtful of you to take time to leave a comment. (It helps the captive!)

  6. Lovely photographs thank you for sharing, thankyou for encouraging us🙏🌸


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