This site http://theoldpaintedcottage.wahmweb.com/store/WsPages.asp?ID=3 has gone to a lot of work to display gardens this month. The close-ups of the florals really gave me a lift.
Here are a few more month of May updates I enjoyed http://kellishouse.blogspot.com/2008/05/nine-patch-notecard.html (This lady has an online seasonal newsletter you can subscribe to for about $20.00 a year and is very professional and uplifting--quite worth the price)
http://larearose.blogspot.com/ really does love roses!
It is a beautiful day here at last, at least for this hour. You never know
Its the same way here =) Beautiful for now, but could get windy and cold at any minute. Thanks for all the neat sites to visit =) i really like visiting The Old Painted Cottage. *hugs*
Its the same way here =) Beautiful for now, but could get windy and cold at any minute. Thanks for all the neat sites to visit =) i really like visiting The Old Painted Cottage. *hugs*
Thanks from me also.
Ditto the weather. It was sunny today, but it snowed yesterday. Who knows tomorrow...
Happy May!
Hi Lady Lydia,
Im sorry to have to make extra work for you, but last night I changed my blog address...it is now
I wanted to tell you so that when you get a moment you can update the link you have of me on your sidebar. Sorry again for the trouble...I thought it would do it automatically but it doesnt so now I have to go around and let everyone know.
Candy :)
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