Thursday, July 27, 2023

As Usual at the Manse

Hello Everyone,

We are keeping up with things as much as possible.

We celebrated our daughter’s birthday. Sadly I was never good at party decor and the event was not fancy. I opted to invest in the gift instead of balloons and wrapping paper. We filled this small set of drawers with fabric, patterns, shoes, and a teacup. That is,  I put bubble wrap in one of the baskets and told her to pick out a cup from the china cabinet. She can fit the little cabinet in a small place in her house.
After feeling some remorse at the lack of festive birthday decor, I decided she should have some balloons but it was too late to go to the dollar store so I grabbed what I could:

King Arthur hard red wheat flour—never bleached and never bromated. The bags were empty and my mother showed us how to use all grocery packaging for other things—even wrapping paper. This homemade balloon was more meaningful because our daughter has been cooking for a long, long time.

I had planned to show how to make this decorative pillow in 3 minutes but didn’t get pictures so I will tell you here. Roll up a towel or fold a small blanket in the shape you want. Place it on a piece of fabric, or something like a shirt or table runner — even a scarf or shawl in the colors you like. Wrap the cloth item around the rolled up towel and tuck in the edges of the cloth. 

Sometimes I do this for a bright spot on a place where it will not be used, and is only decorative. That way, it can be taken apart and used again. If you have no space for extra things, this can impress yourself. You think you have a collection of fancy cushions.

Our granddaughter, Miss Lillian, the one who sews without patterns, helped with her mothers birthday by making a cheesecake using cream cheese, heavy whipping cream and fruit.

As I wrote in my previous entry, the younger ones ask permission for everything. So far, no one has asked if it is okay for them to breathe. I was amused when one of her little brothers asked my permission to “imagine”.  I could not figure out why he would need a permit for it but I quickly understood. It involved running, jumping and explosive sound effects from his mouth that sounded like huge vehicles in an industrial zone. We live in the country. People move to the country to get away from noise.There has to be a limit. 

I wish I had more interesting intelligence for you today. My mind is focused on getting the kitchen in order and updating the food supply. 

I will let you in on some of our conversations when I get time. When we are all together we talk about everything—ideas, food, music, spiritual values and “things of great doctrinal importance “ as Mary said in Pride and Prejudice. We have recently been discussing how to preserve our mental and physical energy and spend it on important things. To “discern” is a great advantage. 

You will be happy to know that someone who collects stray farm animals has generously taken the rooster that wandered into our yard. He is better off now.

I think it is important to have a five minute routine of things to do that will set up a balanced mind and body for the day. When there are any interruptions or problems, those little fortifications (a few stretches,, prayer, making lists, bathing and dressing up) can create a shield for unexpected news or any unpleasantness. That routine might help make the day successful.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A Few Pictures; Staying Home

Hello Everyone,

I have been fully absorbed and you might also say confined at The Manse this week. The rooms are all occupied. I’m finding it a challenge to get out the door quietly and walk in the sunrise while guests enjoy their last hour of sleep. Exercise is essential to my stamina and well-being, and so, I am managing it practically without being seen, by incorporating stretches and such during all the other things we are doing.

The older ones are content to listen to the complete works of Beethoven while inventing new ways to make things that work, and do needed repairs and changes on The Manse. The younger ones promised their parents they would ask permission before doing things, but I finally had to tell them you don't have to ask permission every day to dig in the dirt, run in the sprinkler or walk on the ceiling. They only restriction for walking on the ceiling is that, since it tends to make some children dizzy, there is a limit of 5 minutes, or one walk through The Manse and then put the mirrors aside. I do not want them stumbling when they think they are stepping over a light fixture. 

I ordered some cotton fabric from Hob-Lob. Interested descendants want me to leave it to them in my will, but I plan to sew something before that.  
You might be able to order this cotton print by searching for Fabric Traditions and floral print on light blue background. 

Last year someone threw a cat out of a moving vehicle and he has been here ever since but he spends most of the time outside and is very polite.

A rooster appeared this week and I’m wanting him to move on. He is not as courteous.

I would like to say that being a homemaker cuts down on the drama in life. I am still aiming for toward that goal and I hope you are too.

I would like to show you pictures of what the Manse looks like after everyone gets up in the morning before they put it all back together neatly, but I don’t want to frighten you too much. 

We were all talking about what a good experience it is here verses an impersonal stay at a resort😊 The cluttered table, blankets and pillows all askew, demolished kitchen, cooing doves, the rooms with views and the loud, rude rooster—the ambiance of it all should require higher rent.

They leave reviews and tips for me in a basket. I’ll read some of it on my next broadcast. 

The wheat has been taken off the field, and there is a layer of mist.

I tried to catch the Morning Star, which appears just before sunrise:

I took this picture at sunrise while one
of the lesser lights (Genesis 1:16) was still in view:

Breakfast at The Manse is not usually like this, but I was trying to impress one of the older descendants/residents who is staying for part of the summer:

I have a brown paper challenge going on, to see what we can all create from that ancient type of paper and other things already available at home.  I hope to show it all to you eventually. One of the children found a feather, and made ink out of cocoa baking powder, and used the brown paper for a writing tablet.
We use the heavy brown paper grocery sacks for these creations, and I have noticed the bags are thinner than they used to be and not as strong.

Brown paper Slippers


A Topic to Consider

My subject today involves children, or if none at home, how being home can give you some ideas for cutting down on unnecessary anxiety or exhaustion.

Have confidence that you can manage your home, your homeschooling, and yourself without so much outside help. If learning something requires getting in the car and attending, think of alternatives. Can you stay home and view the lesson on the web? Can you find it in a book? Can you figure it out by yourself?

 Sadly, some homeschoolers are gone all day ferrying their children to activities, when they could better reinforce home life by doing it themselves. With practice, homemakers can be do-it-yourselfers and stop outsourcing learning or experiences. It is entirely possible you can do a much better job yourself at home.

Since the descendants have been here for awhile, I'm learning more about being resourceful with what I have at home, and being  more inventive and creative without going out.

 Almost everything that is done "somewhere else" can be done at home. We have written a story and will turn it into a play. We have created a poem and turned it into a song. We have been painting pictures, swimming, taking care of the house and having quiet times too.  

Let me know in the comments what you think about this.

Lydia Ruth


Monday, July 10, 2023

All is Well at the Manse

Hello Dear Ones,

My time has been so limited lately and I am also "experimenting" (you know what a scientist I am) with getting more sleep--and that is why I have not had a new broadcast. (Smile)

I am still stealth-sipping, but I need to be stealth-posting, do I not?

There are so many old-fashioned scenes this season, I often think I see Jane Austen's troupe of characters walking home from the fictional town of Meryton.

Sunrise is my current interest, which I hope to put, not in writing, but into actual words to you soon.
Thank you all for being so patient and checking back here from time to time. I do intend to get the things straightened out in the dashboard for you to subscribe by email. In the meantime, you can always go to the YouTube Channel and see when there is a new video. You can subscribe there and be notified of new broadcasts.

Please don't forget Miss Lillains Sewing Blog and the Beautiful Homemaking Channel, which links are on the upper left of this page. They update a lot more often than I do.

Thank you for praying for my time to be freed up to come here. Hopefully The Manse
 will release me soon--smile. If you have sent me a card or note in the mail, I have not forgotten about it, and will eventually answer.