Sunday, September 03, 2023

Stillness for the Homemaker, Anxiety Prevention, Value of Silence

My Dear Ladies,

The video is at the end of this post. I can be viewed without  ads here.

I hope you have been on your sunrise walk or at least sat somewhere in the sunrise and had your morning moments.
 "It is so refreshing."

All is well here at The Manse, especially before anyone else wakes up.

"Everyone is on their best behaviour."

Today I introduced the subject of stillness at home to restore mind and body.

I read from the Emilie Barnes book,
"The Spirit of Loveliness."

Maybe if we practice a different lifestyle at home than the rest of the world, we can prevent anxiety from settling in the minds of our loved ones. Hopefully we can turn this stress overload around, one home at a time and prevent the onslaught of anxiety in the future generation. I talked about thinking back to the first things that may have triggered distress, and being careful not to push the same thing on our children. What do you think?

In her chapter, "The Spirit of Stillness" she wrote how walking made her feel calm, even though she was exercising.

I have been trying this lady's exercises. She suggests turning her videos on mute and playing your favorite music or sounds.  I take my little device outside in the morning and find one of her 5 minute exercises. I explained on the broadcast how I only follow one or two movements of each exercise if hers are too fast for me. I like that her site has some  health "challenges" , for those who like a program to follow.

Another lady I have enjoyed listening to teaches English using quotes and sayings, and often talks about Jane Austen. I quoted one of the sayings, and here is the link,

Speaking of Marianne, Austen wrote:
"She was without any power,
because she was without any desire
of command over herself."

I read from Ephesians chapter 4, and here
is the last verse:

"Be kind to one another, 
forgiving one another,
as God in Christ forgave you."

I explained more of why I liked this chapter, in the broadcast. That last verse sounds like a great theme for the home.

Thank you for listening!!  I love your thoughtful comments and your insights too.
Lydia Ruth


Michele said...

I've always enjoyed ironing. The sounds and scents are pleasant and relaxing. If I am feeling particularly stressed I like to iron my dish towels. It is gratifying to watch the wrinkles release and order restored. It's also nice too see the fresh towels hanging prettily on my towel rack when I finish cleaning the kitchen and close it for the night. My mother told me her mother also enjoyed ironing.

Hanah said...

Ephesians 4:32 is the first verse that my husband and I memorized together. It certainly is a wonderful theme for the home. The more secure I get in my roles as wife, mother, and keeper at home, the less I feel the need for mentors. Instead, I just value inspiration, because, like you said, we are all so different and unique. The word of God is sufficient.
P.S-I always feel calm and inspired after your broadcasts. Thank you.

Dianne said...

I do understand what you meant, Lydia, about how rather harshly homemaking was looked upon; even doing chores as children, many aspects in general, "back in the day". I'm so glad for the grace you help bring to women and homemaking.

Laura Jeanne said...

This talk was just lovely and inspiring. I listened to it while I made bread and muffins to go with our Sunday meal. I particularly like the reading from the Emily Barnes book. I think I might like to purchase that one.

Ephesians 4:32 is a verse that my children and I have memorized, and I find I need to remind them of it often!

Janine said...

I know I have that book somewhere around here! She was the first person I knew of that spoke about the home so positively. Loved this as always!