Thursday, June 20, 2024

Analyzing Wives & Daughters Episode 1, The Art of Dress, and More

Greetings and thank you for viewing and listening today. I'm honored that you are here and I hope it is edifying. 

I have been on my "Regency Walk" and found this photo opportunity:

I talked today about the first part of the book Wives & Daughters, along with the first episode, which might aptly describe things that still occur.

I also read more from "The Lost Art of Dress" in which was described the difference that took place in a woman's life regarding clothing.

What I wore today:

With bolero-jacket

From this pattern:

With apron:

A zippered bag from a sheet set works well to corral the pieces of sewing projects:

This is also the pattern I used for the dress, adding different sleeves from another pattern.

I hope you enjoy the broadcast while you rest or work at home.


Flossy said...

Greetings from cool (at long last) Brisbane!!
I just love listening to your wise words and Christian counselling lovely Lydia.
Every time I watch your vlogs I sit and think.... how lucky your family is to have you and the wisdom and kindness you impart to them. You are very special indeed.
I had a dear friend, who you remind me so much of... sadly she passed away a few years ago... I miss her talks and teachings so much....
Have a wonderful weekend and look forward to your next class! xx Flossy

Lydia said...

Dear Lydia Ruth,

Your videos always refresh my spirit and edify my walk with the Lord in my home. I enjoyed viewing Wives and Daughters from the links you provided in a previous video. I watched each one over about the span of a week. Excellent! I also love seeing your timeless, classic wardrobe. I, too, avoid the trendy clothes and stick with what I like. Some might think my dresses are old fashioned, but I feel feminine and pretty while wearing them. When I run errands, most of my dresses pair well with a matching denim jacket. I know, by experience, how different I work and perform when I dress with dignity and respect for my home and for those around me. It usually elevates my mood as well. I am so very thankful to be encouraged and supported about this subject of dressing for the home, Lydia. I should mention, too, about an event in our lives that left us struggling financially. It was the only time in our 44 years of marriage that I considered outside employment. Long story short, my husband saw the job application I had gotten setting on the table and quickly crumpled it up into a tiny ball and threw it in the garbage! Wow! My worth and value as a wife, mother, and homemaker soared exponentially!! Yes, God is good and He provides all that we need when we take Him at His word! I am truly privileged and ever thankful to be at home.😊❤️


Lydia said...

Great Testimony. It’s huge. Lesson for young men, too, if they could see it. Today even the older men would welcome the wife getting extra jobs.