Sunday, June 26, 2005

Lady's Fashion of the 1800's Posted by Hello

Encounter with the Past: A True Experience

My daughter and I were walking in Olde Towne one day, an old fashioned town in Florence, Oregon, intending to visit one of our favorite shops called "By the Bay." I had just touched the handle of the door of this shop in order to enter, when I happened to glance down the sidewalk. I thought I saw three ladies, dressed in clothing of the 1800's, walking away. "Let's follow them and find out where they went," suggested my daughter. When we looked again, they were nowhere in site, so we walked down the sidewalk looking in every shop window. At last we spotted them in an antique store.

We entered the store and noticed their wonderful hats, gloves, and dresses. The ladies appeared to be well over 60, and each one of them were very stately, modest and proper. Their garments were of the finest quality fabrics, and their hats were made to coordinate. They wore boots of the Victorian style. One lady wore a dark green outfit, and another wore one in a dark burgundy. The third lady wore a blouse of black and white stripes and a black skirt.

I summoned up my courage to speak to them. "Hello, " I said. "We noticed you awhile ago walking on the street and we looked in every shop until we found you. You are dressed so elegantly and I love the fabrics and the workmanship. Do you belong to a special society?"

"Well, actually, we come from the past, each year," the oldest one replied. "We visit the museams and the antique shops in the area, just to make sure everything in this century is being portrayed honestly and accurately. We check the historical markers and buildings and other things of our era. We are on a schedule, and soon we'll be visiting the oldest church building in the area, that has records kept from the early 1800's." No matter how I tried to get them to tell me where they lived, they kept up with their wonderful act and pretense of being from the past, and they were enjoying it enormously.

"We will return to the past at the end of the week, and then we'll come again next year," they said.

"We'd love to join you, " I told them. They seemed complimented by this and told us, "There are so many awful things said about the 1800's and yet, the people of that era were responsible for these very streets that you are walking on, being laid out the way they are, and many of these buildings and parks we enjoy every day."

"Don't pay any attention to the rumours they spread about us. There are some very good things about the 1800's. Many of the things you use in this century, such as the car, the sewing machine, electricity, plumbing, and the airplane, were actually being invented by the people of that era," replied the "green" lady, smiling. "Also, the families were so strong. That, itself is testimony enough of the values of that era."

These women were so refined, that my daughter and I both felt that we were imposing on them by even speaking as though we were familiar--they were somehow royal and queenly in their demeanor. It seemed rude to continue questioning and detaining them, so we excused ourselves, thanked them, and politely left.

What a refreshing change it was for us, after what we had seen the tourists wearing on the street in the summer weather. These were older women and they looked dignified and respectable. They weren't showing bare, flabby upper arms, dimpled thighs or knobbly knees, varicose veins in their legs, or protruding stomachs.

Their clothing kept them nicely covered, and their figures neatly packed in the swaths of fabric in the skirts, without tell-tale lumps our outlines of underthings. The colors and styles, and especially their hats, drew one's eyes to their sweet faces. The images of those women stayed with us quite awhile.

While these women walked around town, many people stopped and stared at them. If young girls today want to truly "turn heads," they should dress in the clothing styles of the 1800's. Wear a hat, some lacy gloves, a Gibson-girl blouse, a walking skirt and lace up boots, and see what happens.

Women's clothing of that style poses no danger to the wearer nor to the person who views it. I remember reading once, in a history book about the clothing of that era. Both the men and the women dressed in such a way as not to offend anyone. They thought that it was rude to expose too much of their flesh to others, and that it may lead someone's mind in a direction less than noble. Surely, it is time for us to pay attention to the reasons behind the customs of the past. You can't argue with success.

At the Well, by Daniel Ridgway Knight Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Beliefs

Romans 6:3-4, Acts 22:16
A New Life in Christ

About God: Psalm 14:1; Ephesians 4:4-6

About Creation are found in Genesis 1:1

About Faith: Hebrews 10:38,

About the Soul is found in Genesis 2:7, James 5:20

About Sin: Ezekiel 18:20; Proverbs 14:34; Acts 22:16,

About Christ: Colossians 1:18, I Corinthians 3:11; Galations 3:27

About the Gospel: defined as the death, the buriel, and the resurrection of Jesus: I Corinthians 15:1-4, defined as the great commission: Mark 16:15-16, defined on judgement day : 11Thessalonians 1:18; the death, buriel and ressurection of Christ enacted: Romans 6:3-6

About Salvation: Romans 1:16, Philippians 2:12, I Timothy 3:15
Acts 2:38-48; 1 Peter 3:21

About the Lord's church: Acts 2:47, Acts 11:26, Romans 16:16

About Worship: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 20:7, I Corinthians 10:16, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16

About Saints: Romans 12:13 Saints are people who have obeyed the Gospel and been added to the church (See Acts 2:42) Romans 8:27, Acts 9:41. The Lords church consists of only saints, and only saints are in his church.

About Christian Living: Matthew 22:37-40, Romans 12.

About Parents and Children: Proverbs 3:12, Ist John 3:18, I Timothy 3:4, Colossians 3:20

About Housekeeping: I Timothy 5:14, Titus 2:5

About Marriage: Ephesians 5:24,25, Colossians 3:19, I Peter 3:1

About Race: I Corinthians 9:24, Hebrews 12:1. Note: the word "race" referring to national distinction, is not in the Bible. Acts 17:26 is the only statement that refers to God's attitude toward different nationalities. Charles Darwin, the person who made evolution a famous theory, popularized the concept of race, as we know it today, when he divided people into classes according to their skin color. While the Bible lists many nations and tribes, there is a lack of skin color distinction to identify them.The race to be considered in the Bible is the one that is to be run in the Christian life. All nationalities must submit to the law of Christ.

About Parents Responsibility in Educating their children: Deuteronomy 6:6-8, Ephesians 6. Proverbs 29:17; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 29:17; Proverbs 19:26; Proverbs 29:15;

About Psychology: The entire Book of Proverbs is the most superior psychology book in the world because it shows the consequences of foolishness and the rewards of righteousness. The word of God is the only thing necessary for life. 11Peter 1:3

About division and denominations: Matthew 15:9; I Corinthians 1:11-13

About sin: Acts 22:16, Romans 3:25,

About being converted: Acts 3:19; the conversion of the 3,000: Acts 2, the Samaritans: Acts 8; the treasurer's conversion - Acts 8; The apostle Paul: Acts 9:18, Acts 22:16; The Centurian: Acts 10; Lydia - Acts 16:13-15; The Jailor - Acts 16:26-30; Crispus and household: Acts 18:8;

About drinking: Proverbs 20:1; Proverbs 31:4; Isaiah 5:11; Isaiah 5:22;

About comparison of the Old  Law given to Moses, and the New Law of Christ : Galations 3:23-29

3But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
 24Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
 25But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
 26For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
 27For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
 29And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

About feminism, socialism, Marxism and other isms: Their doctrines are false and opposed to the teachings of the Bible. Christ already liberated women when He made them fellow heirs and we do not need any isms or added doctrines to the word of God. People are equal when they obey the gospel.

About Class: There are only two classes of people: those who have obeyed the gospel of Christ according to His last will and testament, and those who have not. The attitude the saved should have toward the lost is that they have the responsibility of teaching them the gospel, when the opportunity arises. The attitude of the unsaved, the lost, and those who have not obeyed the gospel, is that they are outside of Christ, and must obey the gospel to get in Christ. 2nd Corinthians 5:17;
About religious leaders to claim to have been given revelations by an angel:  Galations 1:6-9

About Prophets and Prophecy after the Bible was Written:  1st Corinthians 13 vs. 8; Revelation 20:18-19;  I accept only prophets whose names are recorded in the Bible.

Galations 1:8:  But though we, or an angel from heaven should preach  any other gospel unto to than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed (anathema).

My comments: those who claim to be prophets also say that their prophecy was revealed to them by an angel.  Galations 1:8 (above) says that even if an angel from heaven should come to you and preach another gospel that is not the same as that which the apostles preached,  they are accursed. If it is not the exact words of the Bible, it is not the same gospel that the apostles preached and wrote. If it is not, the prophet is false, and if it is the same, there is no need for the prophet.

About false prophets

About Jesus Christ:

 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; (Hebrews 1:1-2)

About the first day of the week:

1 Corinthians 16:2, Acts 20:7; Jesus rose on the first day of the week, the first gospel sermon in Acts 2 was preached on the first day of the week, the kingdom (church) was established on the first day of the week (Acts 2) and the first baptisms took place. The Lord add those who were baptised to His church. Read also Matthew

On the first day of the week, Paul preached to the disciples who had gathered together to break bread:  "And upon the first day of the week, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until midnight." Acts 20:7

Mark 16:9
Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

Sabbath was one of the laws of the Old Testament Jewish Mosaical Law, and it was nailed to the cross and abolished at the death of Jesus Christ:

Colossians 2:14-16:  Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances, which was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross."

Ephesians 2:15: Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, the law of commandments in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain, one new man.

The law given to Moses for the Israelites was replaced by the last will and testament, the New Testament, of Jesus Christ, as our spiritual authority.  The Old Testament is the schoolmaster, which was written for our learning, but the Bible says we are no longer under a schoolmaster. Galations 3:24-25

Hebrews 8:6-8: But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much more he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.

About Authority:  Our authority today is Jesus Christ, who gave us His last will and testament when he died on the cross. His words, rather than the words of others, are  our authority. See also Hebrews 1:2

Read a very through study of these issues here.

For more on the Sabbath verses the Lord's Day click here or, go here or here
Read some personal stories of people who studied and came to a right conclusion about these issues, here.

If you are still not sure about this, I urge you to carefully read the book of Galations, the book of Hebrews, and the book of Romans, all which address the problem of people bringing the Old Law into the New Covenant, and explain how the Old Law was taken away, nailed to the cross, and the New Law of Christ became the spiritual authority.  "This is my beloved son ...hear ye Him."   Mathew 17:5

Another good personal story here.  My note:  I pray all these people will study further and be taught the "way more perfectly"  (Acts 18:26) as they seek to find the truth of the Gospel.
Also read this man's story which contains a lot of essential scripture. Highly recommended.

About Cults: The definition of a cult is a religion that has a prophet or leader other than those recorded in the Bible, and they have additional books other than the Bible, which they claim were revealed to their leader by an angel.  The true church is based on the pattern set by the apostles in the New Testament, and does not need additional revelations outside of the Bible. Many cult religions have their own version of the Bible, having been revised to suit the claims of their particular prophets. Our only leader is Christ; our only book is the Bible, our only religious authority for our personal spiritual life is the New Covenant.

About the Ressurrection on the First Day of the Week:  Mark 16:1-6:  "And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of James, and ZSalome, had brought sweet spices, that they might come and annoint him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came into the sepulchre at the rising of the sun...."

Jesus said he would die and would be raised on the third day. He died on Friday, was entombed on Saturday, and rose on Sunday, the first day of the week.  If you will read Mark, chapters 15 and 16, it will show  you how he died in Friday, and rose on Sunday.

Mistakes of 19th century self-proclaimed prophets can be read here.  See also this site concerning the similarities of modern day prophets.

The real church can be read about in the New Testament, and has no book but the Bible, no leader but Christ.

About the end times: Get comfortable and read the history of some of the fantastic ideas about the end times here, which include scriptures that shed light on the subject.  You might also like this for a study on world predictions.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Feminist Fabrication

This article was sent to me a few months ago. I thought it had some excellent points:

One of the most poisonous feminist fabrications over the past thirty years concerns our recent History. For example, for almost two whole generations now, our children have been fed the deceitful propaganda that marriage is a mechanism whereby men have oppressed women and, somehow, forced them to remain in the home, while they themselves ventured outside into the liberating world of work - presumably for fun, frolics, fulfillment and independence.

The deceit herein is that, in reality, the world of work has been, for the most part, an extremely unpleasant world in which to live - until quite recently.

The majority of men in recent History were working in terrible conditions - down filthy, dangerous mines - in the hot, unwholesome, poisonous construction industries of ship and house building, and in arduous heavy engineering projects such as building roads and bridges - in tedious, sweaty factories, labouring for 16 hours non-stop, day after day - in the military, sent away from home, sometimes for years, to the most inhospitable and hostile of conditions and climates, to face disease, damage, death, and war - in agriculture, where men toiled and tilled without the advanced machinery of today - and even in the new offices, where rows upon rows of clerks spent their hours laboriously copying out, by hand, the mountains of information that needed to be documented.

In the world of work, men were being 'oppressed' far more so than were their women at home. They were at the beck and call of their bosses, and were given little in the way of rights, safety, security or decent pay.

For the most part, therefore, the jobs of the past were mostly soul destroying, if not downright dangerous and debilitating, and it is men who did most of them in order to provide for their women and children.

The world of work was not a pleasant place to be. And it was not somewhere where most women, then, or nowadays, would choose to have been.

When feminists give the impression to our younger folk that working for a living in the recent past was invigorating, cathartic or therapeutic in some way, they are lying.

In more recent times, technological advancements have removed much of the worst aspects of 'work', and, further, other huge industries requiring less odious forms of work have sprung up; e.g. media, computer, financial.

And it is in these far more benign circumstances that today's women are continually indoctrinated with the view that some glorious world of 'work' was somehow denied to them in the past.

The truth is that they were not denied it.

They were saved from it.
USA In 1900, only 6 percent of married women worked outside the home, usually when their blue-collar husbands were unemployed. Among wives with children at home, very few worked at all. Almost half of single women held jobs, but they usually stopped working when they married or, at the latest, when they got pregnant, and most never worked for pay again. About a third of widowed and divorced women worked, typically out of economic necessity. Never-married women with children were virtually unknown. Only 6% eh? Now that's interesting! ... ... And so is this ... In 1936, a Gallup poll asked a national sample, “Should a married woman earn money if she has a husband capable of supporting her?” By OVERWHELMI NG majorities, both men and women said that she should not.

Here is an extract from David Thomas' book Not Guilty ... The desire to free oneself from work was common to all classes and both sexes. Dr Joanna Bourke of Birkbeck College, London, has studied the diaries of 5,000 women who lived between 1860 and 1930. During that period, the proportion of women in paid employment dropped from 75 per cent to 10 per cent. This was regarded as a huge step forward for womankind, an opinion shared by the women whose writings Dr Bourke researched. Freed from mills and factories, they created a new power base for themselves at home. This was, claims Dr Bourke, "a deliberate choice. . . and a choice that gave great pleasure."

And now, study closely the words of one of the most powerful and influential women the world as ever known."I love peace and quiet, I hate politics and turmoil. We women are not made for governing, and if we are good women, we must dislike these masculine occupations. There are times which force one to take interest in them, and I do, of course intensely"

" I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of 'Women's Rights', with all its attendant horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feelings and propriety. Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish withou t male protection." Queen Victoria 1870


My comment: These self serving attitudes of women would never have worked on the homestead in the wilderness where I grew up. There simply was not time to think about someone having more rights than you. We had to survive, and women protected their children and looked after their husbands and prayed for them. The home and family were all working together and going in the same direction. It was rare to hear of a divorce, and when there was one, it was a last resort. The women had hard times, but so did the men! I didn't see feminists clamoring for their right to log the land and build a house or catch fish through ice. I think personally that feminism exists more in colleges and office buildings than in real life elsewhere.

Question: I read recently on another site that your family owned wilderness land, and that it was stolen from the native Americans. What right do you have to live in such a place, when it rightfully belongs to someone else?

My Answer: The land we settled belonged to the Russians and was purchased from them by the government. The long time settlers were offered a free trip to Russia by the government and most of them prefered to stay where they were. They were not on any of the lands that my family bought. Whoever wrote such a lie, must be living in a hot air balloon and not touching any kind of land. That is the only way anyone could avoid living on a piece of the earth that might have once been inhabited by someone else. Even the big cities occupy lands that were once the territories of others. There is not one single inch of land on the entire earth that did not belong to someone else. If you can name one, please do. The Bible says that the earth is the Lords, and the fullness thereof. It all belongs to God, and he lets us stay on it for awhile. None of us will be here forever. We all have a limited time and then we will die, and someone else will come and live where we are now. None of it belongs to us; it is a temporary loan from God. Your spiritual condition is more important than where you live. Have you obeyed the gospel? If you haven't, please read Romans 6:3-4 and Acts 22:16. There are dozens more passages for you to read, so why not take some time and read the entire New Testament, the last will and testament of Christ.