The Miser*Since, in an election, you can vote only once, at the prescribed time, I will show here how you can vote as much as you like, daily, by calling your senators and representatives, whom you elected to represent your interestes.
When you hear about something like this so-called bail out of the Big Bankers (a private corporation that makes money by writing it themselves, and then charges interest on the worthless figures, and taxes people with their own real money, earned, to pay it back), you can simply call all your senators and representatives and talk on the phone for half a minute, urging them NOT to give the bankers ONE cent of America's hard earned money. Every phone call is a vote, and the senators do pay attention to it.
This lady has a good quote about the lenders here
The list of senators should be in the white pages, under "Government" in your telephone book. If you are too shy to call, please urge your husband to do it! If you can, get every voting-age person in your family to call each senator, no matter what party and say "No" to the bail out. They ran up the debt themselves, by creating money out of thin air, that has no backing, and now they want Congress to tax us all harder to pay it back, but it is also all about control.
Our Constitution forbids anyone to create money except for Congress. It is unconstitutional to allow the International Bankers to control the money. The Federal Reserve act gave this private company, called "The Federal Reserve" the power to control America's money, and it is an unconstitutional act, as well as an unconstitutional and illegal organization. When a president is inaugurated, he promises to uphold the Constitution. Make the president obey the Constitution, by calling your senator and urging him to say "no" to the President and "no" to the big bankers.
If they can create money out of nothing, why can't they write themselves a check or print off more money off their printing presses at the so called "federal" (it isn't federal at all. They use that word to make it sound governmental and official) reserve (nope, folks, there is no reserve). Let them pay themselves back! They don't actually need the money. They are greedy people who aren't going to starve or lose their houses if they don't get someone to pay them. Where I live, there are whole neighborhoods of reposessed homes, which the banks were anxious to have vacated when people could not pay their mounting interest on the loans, and which the banks now are unable to sell. What are bankers going to do with all these empty houses? I keep waiting for a tent-city to emerge, to accommodate the new middle-class homeless in our country.
Read this hilarious response from Senator Nancy Pelosi., who was in the meeting. (Although I don't like all her policies, I am glad that even the most leftist politicians are seeing through the ruse of the International Bankers).
Check here
Now let me see if I can tell the story in a simple way: After a secret meeting of top bankers, the so-called "Federal Reserve," which is neither federal, nor reserve, controls our money through an illegal act, which was voted on when Congress was on vacation back in the early 1900's, to allow a private banking corporation to control all of the money issued in America. By getting ahold of the money system, they were able to lend it out and charge exorbitant usuary (interest). When they want to, they can "call" the loans and people, who are used to paying small, manageable payments on their loans for houses or cars, cannot suddenly pay the whole sum, so the bank repossesses the properties.
These people say that we must have someone to take care of our money. They take our money and issue us pieces of papers that are called "I.O.U's" and then charge us for them. When we want more money, we have to borrow it from them. They do not base their lending on real money, since they lent that out long ago. They base it on nothing. They charge us for the rent of the paper.
A good way to understand this, is to watch Potter, the banker, on the film, "It's a Wonderful Life," starring Jimmy Stewart. By now, practically everyone in the world owns that DVD, but if you don't, it is probably on U-Tube somewhere. Listen carefully as George, the Building and Loan officer, says: "Don't you see? Potter isn't selling. He's buying!" The banker had created a financial panic by calling in the loan from the small lending bank that George managed. George was just helping people buy homes. Potter was greedy and jealous and wanted it all.
It is important to put a stop to these people, because they want to own America and own the world. They use the money they create (and make us pay them back) to finance wars on countries that refuse to bank with them. This forces the countries to borrow to finance their wars, and then they are in league with the bankers, who continue to control them forever. Any time you hear on the media (also owned by the bankers) of a squirmish or political problem in a country that is not with these national banks, you can bet the bankers are behind it.
Show your husband this film on U Tube also here have found that even 7 year old children can understand these films about the crooked way to bank.
Not all the film is shown there, but you can purchase the DVD set. One reason no one "votes" by calling their congressman, is that they are led to believe that these people are financial experts and that it is so complicated a system, that they cannot understand it. These films give you an idea of just how the International Bankers create poverty, inequality, strife between men and women, strife in religion, and strife in the world, by the things they finance.
I hope it is not too late to call your senators. Every phone call is a vote, and you can call more than once. When a few people call, the senators know something is going on, but when just 20 people call, they know there is a real "movement." They hold executive positions in this country, and like any other executive, they can be fired. Let them know their job is on the line and if they do not vote "no" they will not get your vote in the next election.
Does it bother anyone that a meeting on this matter with the President and the bankers took place "behind closed doors?" I thought this was America, in the 21st century, not Jekyl Island in the 19th century. It should have been televised.Ladies I know I did not do a very good job of explaining this, and there are a lot of smart men out there who will correct me on some of the details, but I tried to write it simply, but the main point is that you should use your right to vote, to vote early, and vote often, by calling your senators.
If you live elsewhere, I know that even a phone call from someone overseas has a great impact (sometimes it impresses them even more to get a call from Africa, England, Australia, Bulgaria, or where-ever) on a senator's vote. If you live outside of the U.S., you should be concerned about this, because what the bankers do, can affect your country. Use your online resources to send a message, if you can.
Also, check out what one congressman has to say here: (Regarding the paintings: The International Bankers Will Pinch a Penny, even if they already control everything)
Remember: Vote early and vote often! My daughter and I each exercised another option this morning, after getting our mail. Each of us received an offer from a big bank (Chase Manhatten, Lehman, etc) for a loan. We receive these offers regularly. I am always turned down because I don't have credit, or something. This time, we took the business reply envelope, with the "postage paid" stamp on it, and we cut out a piece of the original envelop that the offer was sent in, and wrote on it: "Why don't you give yourselves a loan and bail yourselves out, instead of putting pressure on Congress and putting me in further debt? " I then wrote the website addresses of several sites and videos that explained this crooked banking system. It took less than 2 minutes and the postage was free. It also bothers me that these offers contain better and better paper, slick, fancy envelopes, and colorful ads, that must cost them something. I can't even buy that kind of paper myself. They are only adding to my trash problem and then I have to stay awake at night thinking of uses for this garbage so that it won't end up in the landfill. So I also told them to take me off their mailing list.
What does any of this have to do with home living? If I allowed this dishonesty to go on in my own home, we would certainly suffer the consequences, and be loathe to do it again. However, the big bankers never suffer the consequences of their greedy ways. When they get their way, our home gets poorer and poorer, as our taxes go higher and higher. Every homemaker should be active in putting a stop to this, even if all they do is make one phone call or send one email.
For those of you who do not want to worry about politics and just want to get on with having a wonderful home life, be sure to read my article here called
"How To Stop Worrying About Politics"
Before this piece goes to archives, here is a summary:
1. The Constitution is the highest law of the land.
2. The President is legally obligated to uphold the constitution.
3. The Constitution states that no money should be issued by anyone but the U.S. Government.
4. The so called "Federal Reserve" , which is neither federal, nor reserve, a private banking company, owned by elitists who control many banks all over the world, illegally issue printed money to the US and charges the citizens interest for the use of the worthless paper.
5. This banking group lends "money" to smaller banks to help finance houses for citizens. The interest rate increases, like raising rent, until people cannot pay anymore. The smaller banks cannot pay the larger banks, and the big bankers now want Congress to use our taxes to pay them. They can easily eliminate usuary and lose nothing. They have enough income themselves to bail themselves out. They are illegally running the banking system and we do not need them. We need to retrieve all the things that belong to the US and kick the bankers out.
6. It will not be long before the atttention is taken off these high classed thieves, the illegal bankers at the "top" and put on the people at the bottem, who just wanted a nice house. You wait and see, if the press will not create the blame on everyone around them except the elitist bankers. You will find your friend's and family's minds changing on this issue, and when you express yourself, you will be told that the situation is just "not as black and white as you think it is." The media will make sure that the population develops a "nuetral" opionion on this.
7. If Congress does not agree to their plans, the bankers will threaten and intimidate them with depression, bankruptsy and other government woes. The news media is owned by these bankers and it won't be long before you, yourself, will be convinced that something has to be done to bail them out, or we will all face a depression and lose our homes. No one will consider getting rid of the international banker grip on our country. They will soon be convinced by the media that it is "everyone's fault," and that we all "share" the blame, and these rich people will continue to control the economy. Be sure to watch this video this The bankers involved are not elected officials. They get themselves appointed in high places in government, on staff in offices of the elected officials, in order to influence and control them.
Apparently Sweden had a similar problem a few years ago and refused to bail out the bankers. I don't know much about that country, but I haven't heard that it collapsed as a result. Read more here is considered a step toward socialism, here reason I will not buy the idea that it is "everyone's fault" is that the big bankers have been writing money illegally for years, and pushing it on others. My sil worked for a mortgage company, that made cold calls all day long to people who were not looking for money or houses, to give them the big sell, and talk them into multiplying rate loans (which they did not know about until their payments increased). Getting rid of the bankers will get rid of this kind of lending.
They are now coming out with super-soft-voiced comments on National Public Radio, trying to soothe people by saying that throwing money at this problem is the only way to solve it. Let me ask something: if someone whose surname began with a "P" was paid millions of dollars a year to work in an industry that failed, would you keep hiring him?

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
... The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating. -Thomas Jefferson

History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance. -James Madison

If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations. -Andrew Jackson

The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. -Abraham Lincoln

Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to...provisions [which] would place our currency and credit system in private hands. - Theodore Roosevelt 
Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men. -Woodrow Wilson
Years later, reflecting on the major banks' control in Washington, President Franklin Roosevelt paid this indirect praise to his distant predecessor President Andrew Jackson, who had "killed" the 2nd Bank of the US (an earlier type of the Federal Reserve System). After Jackson's administration the bankers' influence was gradually restored and increased, culminating in the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Roosevelt knew this history. The real truth of the matter is,as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever sincethe days of Andrew Jackson... -Franklin D. Roosevelt (in a letter to Colonel House, dated November 21, 1933)