"Summer Time" by Carolyn Wright
This painting looks like my husband's childhood home place, where the home was more than the house. It was the path leading to the door, and the surrounding pastures and streams that gave it the full setting.
Comment: As people begin to see the loss of family life, in exchange for the pursuit of personal success and material goals, I think more women are making the commitment to be at home most of the time. That doesn't mean that they don't have occasional non-corporate jobs to make a little extra money, but that their main goal is the care of the family and the home. What is really sad, is to see that now-elderly generation of women, who are retired. They now have more leisure time, after years of working, but they have no co-hesive family to enjoy it with. Their children were put in the care of others while they worked, and now, as Cynthia said in "Wives and Daughters," 'If Mama had wanted me to love her, she shouldn't have sent me way to school at four years old!"
This might work, in the form of a "Ladies Bible Study" where one inspirational verse can be used to launch the lesson to motivate them in their home.
Home is a little different than the working world, because the homemaker is virtually on her own, without the feeling of teamwork, the pressures of time, and the cash rewards up front. However, you can get some good hints from the working world, that will help even more effectively at home:
1. Get up, and dress up, for the day. Before you even come out into your working world (your home), make sure you are dressed and have your hair done, and the various skin-care you use, is applied. It makes you feel really put-together. Contrast this to the days you stumble out of bed and slog sleepy-eyed into the kitchen and start working.
Somehow, the day never seems to become orderly and the accomplishments are not as visible, when you don't prepare for your responsibility of guiding, guarding, and caring for the family and house. Your appearance is your preparation. Get yourself the best possible products that you need for your hair, your clothes, your shoes, and so forth. Don't skimp on these things. It is more motivating if you treat yourself to the things that help your day go better. Just because you are home, doesn't mean you get lax about your clothing and your standard of appearance. If you take care of your appearance first, you will feel dignified and approach the role in a professional way.
Each morning, whether the task is great or minute, develop a routine of washing the dishes, cleaning off the table and cabinet top, and making the bed. Even though these rooms might not be too messy, doing these small things are little ways to get your body moving, and going on to greater tasks.
In an attractive little book, make a list of things to do for the day, which include correspondence (cards, letters, ordering, other types of mail), calls or phone calls to make, dishes, laundry, beds, and care of floors, and give yourself a sticker or check them off as the jobs are completed.
If you will take your "students" to the living room and let them sit in comfortable seats, you can accept questions about the rigours of home life, and counsel accordingly. When I was a new wife, I often longed for the older women at church to have a breakfast party or breakfast tea for the younger women, to help them get started on their day with joy and purpose. Most women at the time were fiercely independent and had their own minds made up about how things should be done, so the older women didn't feel they were needed. Now, after all this time, a new crop of young homemakers need this encouragement more than ever. They are longing for it and looking for it. If you are able, get a companion (your daughter, another woman) and plan a simple seminar for the younger homemakers.
The painting here is from the site which sells Susan Rios paintings. The story that goes with it suggests that the house is ready for guests that will be arriving soon. While she is waiting, she gives the entry to the home a last minute touch. Visit http://www.piersidegallery.com/artists/rios/ for more of these wonderful paintings of homelife, which can be purchased online.
Most people live with lifetime plans and dreams always lurking in their heads. To some, it becomes pure frustration and torture when, year after year, their hopes and plans meet with failure. Sometimes, not only do our life purposes and desires fail to be fulfilled, but while we are hard at work to realize those dreams, other areas in our lives seem to deteriorate or get bleaker.
A person can experience some instant fulfillment of something in their life, through the often overlooked avenue of the dwelling place.
Most people have a place to live, and even those who do not own their own homes, have a place they call home, in which they are free to behave and live as they please. Our problem is, that sometimes we think that fulfillment and accomplishment has to happen somewhere else. We come home only when we don't have something "better" to do. What a pity, it is not the opposite--that home is the place we can think better, work better, and be nicer people.
This wonderful place, be it humble or grand, can be the source of great success right now. It is a place where you can be your own boss. It is a place where you can store your stuff. It is a place where you can think and dream and create without dictation.
The house is the easiest thing to re-create. You can always
Clean up the clutter,
Wash things, dust things, wipe the picture frames, and make things sparkle,
rearrange something,
set the table with the best you have, (whether a meal is being served or not)
bake something, and
invite someone over to eat it.
Goals like losing weight, rennovating, living in the house in the country you dream of, building a career out of your hobbies, or becoming a mentor can take loads of work, waiting time, patience, and persistance, but there are a lot of things that take place in the home, which can give you instant success...no waiting.
See Part 2