My daughter, Lillibeth and I , have printed a newsletter type of booklet, which contains some of the speeches we made for the online homemaking conference. Our subject was about harmony between mothers and daughters. We have not yet received the addresses of many people who said they would like to have one sent to them. If you are one of the ones who ordered a copy, the only way we can get it to you is if we receive your check for $6.50 (cost of printing and postage). That way, we will have your return address. If anyone wants a copy of this and has not yet
Tea Cup Cottage by Thomas Kinkade, from
ordered, we would still be glad to send out more. Just email me and I will show you where to send the check. It has a linen-look pink cardstock cover, and it is tied in satin ribbon. We certainly would have sent them all out for free if we could have afforded it, and have tried to keep the cost very minimal so that everyone can have a copy. If anyone has received this publication and would like to recommend it or make a comment, about whether or not it was helpful, please feel free to do so!
Cottage Style from
Victorian parlor #4 by John O'Brien
When you get your copy, turn immediately to the middle of the book and read what Lillibeth wrote. It is most inspiring and will warm your heart. It should have been in the beginning of the booklet but she was too modest to put it there. It is so good to hear such gracious words from a daughter, written to other daughters. You can just feel the love she has for her own life and the concern she has for the success of other daughters in their homes.
I received my copy last week, and sat down and read the entire thing. I can say what a blessing it was and so encouraging to me as a mother of two small daughters.
It was so good to read about God's way instead of the world's way in a family.
Lillibeth is so correct when she states that rebellion is a choice. Thank you both so much for sharing this with us.
May the Lord continue to bless you both.
Dear Lydia and Lillibeth,
I received my copies today and what a joy it was to read such wise words from the mother/daughter perspective. Lillibeth's words and attitudes are a testament to her father and mother's biblical guidance throughout her youth. It just did my heart so much good to read this.
Thank you so much for taking the time and effort in making this lovely booklet available to us! I look forward to reading more of your writing in the future.
Kind regards from,
Susan Tyner
Lydia, I had not intended to order a copy, but I think I probably will. I have two daughters, and would this be something that I could give to both daughters when they start their own homes? As in, getting two copies? I've been trying to be careful at what I spend, so I'm going to pray about getting a copy of this.
Recieving this newsletter was a wonderful treat. My daughter and I read it together and what a harmony I could feel. Thank you so much for taking the time for printing this out. My wish is to let every daughter to be raised along the side of her mother. This newsletter was worth every penny.
Mrs. Homesteader: This is related somewhat to our observation about some of the publications we order on line from time to time. Some of the things we have paid $5.00 for aren't worth the paper they are printed on. Some of the cookbooks we order have about 2 good recipes we can actually use, and the rest seem like fillers. Other magazines and cd's or dvds seem to have only a smattering of useful information in them. We hope next year to have a similar publication as this one, containing drawn patterns for projects at home, and some other things that would delight daughters as well as mothers, and benefit the entire family. We can only do such a thing once in awhile, so when we do something like this, we want it to be a classic.
Dearest Lady Lydia,
It is so wonderful to read that you will be publishing your work! Blaine and I had received your beautiful booklet on Harmony at Home and would love to place this in the magazine as a feature article if we could. We would completely understand if you are saving this for a furture publication and if there is anything we can do to help promote this - please let us know!
I wanted to let you know that I had posted your site and blog as one of my top 5 blogs (Thinking Blogger Award) that has inspired me to think and feel and know that I am not alone in my journey! Thank you for all that you do for all of us!
Love and God's Blessings,
Catherine, I'll talk to my daughter about this. We might be able to write you a separate article that is different than this newsletter.
Dearest Lady Lydia,
Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Love and God's Blessings,
I'm not sure if the comment I left yesterday 'went through'...but I want to tell you how much I've enjoyed reading through my copy of Harmony At Home. It is EXCELLENT, and I highly recommend it to everyone! It has motivated me in so many areas, and convicted me in a few as well...but in a good way! The booklet is also lovely and feminine, yet sturdy.
I hope there will more of these wonderful publications on the future!
I never ordered anything but I did want to say that the relationship between mother and daughter is so important. I do not yet have children, but I do hope to learn from all these articles. My mom was in and out of my life because of mental illness and alcohol and I clung to my father most of the time. So needless to say I never grew up very feminine, but I have been learning more and more from sites such as yours. God Bless.
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