Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Appreciation, Not Always Guided by the Clock

Hello Ladies,

I hope you enjoy today's broadcast. 

I showed a few publications I found interesting. This one is the recent 2024 issue and is quite nice. 

There is an ice storm here and we are happy to be safely inside the house. Indeed, we cannot leave. The house doors and car doors are frozen shut. Not to worry though. Being locked in has been interesting.

I talked a little about the nice effect of this tea, which is an adaptogen.

I talked about a number of things and introduced the idea of ignoring the time and the clock, to see if it reduced tension or hurrying.

Please enjoy the broadcast while you do a few things.
I really appreciate your comments, which give me good ideas for future content.


Karen S. said...

Thank you, Miss Lydia, for another encouraging broadcast. I do listen to you as I drop off to sleep, but I also listen to you as I go about my home tasks. I know you do these primarily for your descendants (which I think is a lovely idea), but I am truly grateful that you share them with the rest of us.

Miss Humphrey said...

The sun on the snow picture you posted is beautiful!
I like the idea of going through the days at your own natural pace without being policed by the clock. One day I turned my clock around, facing away from my room, so that I couldn't look at it while I was in there...I don't remember if I made it all the way through the day without it though!
Hope that ice melts soon.

Lydia said...

Thank you darling.

Ladies I hope you will click on Miss Humphrey and look at her blog.

Janine said...

We had a very grey day here in so Cal as well. But I keep up one strand of xmas lights over the front windows, plus 3 snowmen lights, baby, mom, and dad, and a little lantern, and candles, some real some battery, to make everything cozier.

Re introductions, I have found that I can't introduce people anymore because they introduce themselves so quickly. It used to annoy me, but then I realized that was better than people being shy and hanging back.

Whenever I wake up late I pretend it's a different time and just carry on. If I do get dejected, sometimes I go back to bed for 15 minutes and think and pray and begin again as though it were morning.

Loved this video as always.

Janine ๐Ÿ’•

Lydia said...

Janine Ithis is a good tho g to do. Similar to when we were out of sorts and the mother would tell us to start over.

Lydia said...

Regarding introducing, I think the protocol has changed over time. People want to, need to or have to introduce themselves. So then we should probably make a polite reply and introduce ourselves back to them. Except if we don’t want to or feel it’s too pushy. I’ve had people sitting next to me in church who will introduce themselves and it’s only being polite. It’s too hard to find someone to make introductions. We are do it yourselfers.

Lydia said...

Dear Lydia Ruth,

Thank you for the encouraging talk on homemaker radio today. After today’s message, I am wanting to be more intentional about showing and expressing appreciation for all the many blessings that can be so easily overlooked. As I heard about your ice storm, I thought about being snowed in last week…it made me so very thankful for a warm home to keep, a husband to cook for, a stocked pantry, an ample supply of firewood, a library full of good books, and more than enough projects to keep me happily occupied for quite some time. I could go on and on , but I am sure most of your listeners will agree with how blessed we truly are. I am sensing you would like winter to be gone. However, I rather enjoy this time of year when we can take a break from all the gardening and harvesting.Now I can focus on indoor activities around the home and am content to do so. The other day I cleaned out a big walk-in closet. Oh my! Like you’ve said so many times before, it did wonders for my mindset, giving me a sense of motivation for tackling the next closest, drawer, or cupboard. ๐Ÿ˜ŠI am seeing those beautiful, summery pictures on the walls at the manse; your dress had so many of the same colors as the painting behind you. I simply love how you coordinate your wardrobe like that. My decor is winter right now… think
snowflakes and red pointsettas with candles in the window, and twinkling white lights on the piano, hutch, and entryway. Everything outside is covered all clean and white by the lovely snow, too. God is good.


Christal said...

I listened to you today while I cross stitched, you always brighten my day. Have a lovely week ๐Ÿค—

Mrs O'Sullivan said...

I couldn't find Ephesians 5:30 in my bible.

Lydia said...

I’m so sorry— I knew I had that wrong shortly after I posted. I meant Ephesians 5:20 and was looking at the wrong list on my notes, so it was a bit confusing.

Mrs O'Sullivan said...

I found a scripture about pleasant words being health to the body in Proverbs, but I couldn't find the same in Ephesians 20.

Proverbs 16:24

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

Lydia said...

Thank you!!!