Thursday, July 18, 2024

For Listening While You Work

I hope you enjoy today's broadcast, on a variety of subjects.

I mentioned the beautiful textiles and clothing styles of the people of Bhutan.
Here is where I read aloud about the wonderful fabrics that are woven in homes and businesses in that country:

Many photos of the vibrant colors and textures are available online.

The national clothing has beautifully cuffed sleeves, as you see on The Queen of Bhutan. These cuffs are also on the children's clothing.

I like the color combinations.

People in Bhutan wear the national style and support their unique historical textile industry. 

See more of the color combinations of her costumes here

The  Folkwear sewing pattern , #111 Nepali blouse,  is like the ones worn in Bhutan. It’s possible the collar is made of a different color fabric and the cuffs are added. 

What I wore today: Dress from a 1980’s  Laura Ashley pattern , collar scar from tracing an old worn scarf. 

Cotton dress :vintage McCalls Laura Ashley 8432 (1983) 

Today's tisane

Today's blue light and sunrise

I hope you enjoy today's message. Your comments give me good subject matter for these talks.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Contentment and Other Thoughts

Thank you for visiting and I hope you are are doing well at home.

This is called  “Blossom Time", a 1960’s pattern by Royal Albert. I placed it by the apple blossoms for my stealth-sipping.

Skip to the end of the page to see a detailed picture of this Teaware and dinnerware from Pinterest/Etsy.

I always want to post more often with a video. It is nice to have a goal and still have hope that it can happen. 

This is the cotton print (peach color with white dots) dress I wore, (4 yards, zipper, neckline piping, thread : Hobby Lobby half price sales - $25)

with a sash tied in back,

and front, 

and with an apron.

I read a description of Dr. Gibson, Molly’s father in Wives and Daughters. In my next post I might pose some ideas of ways to reenact parts of this story.

These are Molly’s at-home dresses and aprons ( pinafore) in the movie. The fabric is similar in appearance to what we call homespun .

The cup I used today was quite common in the 1960s, and can be found on Etsy and eBay 

The above China is sold here

I hope you get some things done, or just rest, during today's talk. The noise you hear during the broadcast is farm equipment. 

Monday, July 08, 2024

Hope to Visit Soon

Hello Ladies,

I’ve been saving my voice for you and hope you’ll join me when next I broadcast, which I hope will be soon.

It is harvest around the perimeter of The Manse: plenty of tractor and harvesting noise, sultry hot days and busy nights. 

There will be interior pictures in the next post. 

Lydia Ruth