Monday, July 08, 2024

Hope to Visit Soon

Hello Ladies,

I’ve been saving my voice for you and hope you’ll join me when next I broadcast, which I hope will be soon.

It is harvest around the perimeter of The Manse: plenty of tractor and harvesting noise, sultry hot days and busy nights. 

There will be interior pictures in the next post. 

Lydia Ruth 



Homemaker's Heart said...

Lydia, those hydrangias (?) are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I do hope you are well. We are having such an unusual summer here in SW Colorado. It was 44 this morning, and the wind is cool while the sun is hot. It rained for most of June, that hasn't happened in 10 yrs. The wild sunflowers are popping up a few weeks early. I don't feel like we got a summer.
I think, based on your stealth tea cup photo, I will take my tea cup out tomorrow afternoon and enjoy the beauty I have rather then complain.

Looking forward to the next broadcast.


Lydia said...

It went from spring to fall here, too.

Marianne said...

Gorgeous flowers! I ve been "lonesome" for your broadcasts and look forward to your next one. I pray you are doing well as you " stay close to Christ".
Marianne in Alabama