Saturday, June 09, 2007

Welcome Visitors

I extend a hearty welcome to all visitors of this blog today. Please tell me where you are viewing from. I am in Oregon, where I keep house, and Mrs. Alexandra is in Europe.

Ladies, we'd be thrilled if you'd also check into my daughter, Lillibeth's weblog, here


Liz said...

My husband and two daughters read your site daily from our home on the gulf coast of Florida

Jen said...

I'm viewing from the Northwest Territories, Canada! :)

Presbytera said...

I am in Ohio and enjoy reading your blog. The book about your parents sounds wonderful.

Susan P. said...

I am a devoted reader of your blog! It has truly been a blessing in my life. I live in the beautiful state of Virginia near the capital city of Richmond!
Susan P.

Anonymous said...

Lady Lydia

I'm in Houston Texas

Rachel said...

I am viewing from Pennsylvania. I am between trips to Thailand and South Africa, so I'm enjoying my time at HOME! :o) Thanks for all the lovely articles you post here.

Robin said...

Hello! This is Mrs. Jeremy Wilson reading your blog from East Texas where I enjoy keeping house and homeschooling my five babies!

Diane said...

I am in South Carolina.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am from New South Wales in Australia where I take care of my husband and homeschool my children. I really enjoy your blog.

jean said...

I'm in suburban Chicago, close to the city limit.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I'm in Lockport, IL situated in a beautiful townhome on the 9th hole of a golf course.

Melissa said...

Washington State here!

Anonymous said...

I am in Jacksonville, Fla. I find your writings very uplifting and encouraging. I wish I had had access to them while I was raising my sons as I often felt that I was the only one who wasn't working outside the home. My youngest is leaving for college in two months so now I keep hearing, "What are you going to DO?" Well, I'm not exactly sure, but I'm glad I have blogs like yours to gain insight from.

HsKubes said...

Coastal North Carolina here.

I don't comment very often but I enjoy visiting your blog.

~ Christina

Beck's Bounty said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I am a full time homemaker, mother of 6 adorable homeschooled "cherubs", and blessed wife of a wonderful husband. And we are in southeastern Tennessee.


Anonymous said...

I from central North Carolina, where I'm a 23-year old single nurses assisant.

Elizabeth Joy said...

I'm in Southeast Washington, and love to visit the Oregon coast.

Mrs.E said...

Hello neighbor :) I am also in Oregon. That's a lovely picture over on the coast.

I have thoroughly been enjoying reading your posts. They are so informative and inspiring. Thank you.

Lisa said...

I am from Washington State now, from Oregon originally!

BessieJoy said...

We make our home in Arkansas.

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Teresa and I'm in Bakersfield, CA. You have a beautiful blog! Thank you for all of your wonderful, inspirational and instructive posts, your articles are always well-written and interesting. God bless you for all you do!

Teresa M.

Anonymous said...

Lady Lydia, I'm viewing from Phoenix, AZ. I greatly appreciate your blog, as well as the writings at your website. Thank you for your beautiful encouragements. Sharon

Anonymous said...

Hello Lady Lydia -

In response to your question, I am from Toronto, ON, Canada.

Just a further comment to let you know how much comfort and joy this blog provides to many woman like myself.

Best regards....


Anonymous said...

Hello Lydia! I'm viewing from Germany where I live. *waves*

Anonymous said...

I live in Berkeley Springs, WV. I've been an avid reader since Spring, 2005, when my sister showed me LAF as a joke.

I had been convicted about women's roles for some time and I read the articles with interest. I found it fascinating that the site had articles that were quite serious and weren't just about children and housekeeping (no offense intended, but I was college-bound and had no interest in those things).
My theology was/is quite weak so I decided to give your ideas a trial run; I wore dresses for two weeks. After that I hated pants and haven't worn them since.
College was a huge adjustment. I'd been homeschooled since first grade and had the added burden of not knowing how to deal with the stereotyping and labeling that my skirts brought me. A good many of my teachers did not like it when I expressed my beliefs. One thing I'll always remember is the day in my ed class when we discussed sex ed, I demanded of my classmates, "Where is your sense of childhood innocence?" and all I got were blank stares.

I didn't become dresses-only until I was 19 and it has been on of the hardest transitions of my life. It was an easy decision for me to make but I didn't realize that such a simple change in wardrobe would bring out such adverse reactions in people.

I know this probably isn't the type of response you were expecting, but a thank you note has been long overdue. LAF and this blog have been lifesavers for me. It's been horribly lonely to be the only dresses-only person I know at my school, but your sound advice has helping me get through it and now I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Thank you for everything,


Anonymous said...

I'm in Oregon too! I live in the Portland area, a transplant from the Midwest.

Samantha said...

I'm in the Netherlands

Anonymous said...

I live in England and my Mom and I love reading your blog. We regulary print off articles and learn alot from them.

Patty H. said...

HI, I come by occasionally to browse. I'm in the western part of North Carolina.

Lydia said...

Charity, I don't know why people act so snobbish about skirts and dresses. If we aren't supposed to buy them and wear them, why are they in the shop windows and in all the stores? Why don't the college profs and students go to those stores in the malls that have skirts and give them the same sarcastic treatment?

Lydia said...

Welcome everyone! It is fascinating to see where you are all viewing from!!

Sarah said...

I'm from Austin, TX. I often read, and though I don't comment, you always give me something hearty to think about.

Anonymous said...

New reader from S Korea!

Mrs. H said...

Hi! I read here often, and I'm from northern Delaware.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Germany, too! *waves to Stina*

Tracy said...

Hello Mrs. Sherman,

I am from south Alabama!

Anonymous said...

We live near Mt. Shasta California. I found out about your site through "Ladies Against Feminism." I can't quite remember how long it's been since discovering LAF, at least 5 years, maybe more. I love your site!

Hedi said...

HI, I also recently found your blog and enjoy reading it since. I live in Easten Europe, Estonia, in capital Tallinn. My views are changed a lot after been acquainted with biblical wiew of marriage and I must agree, some people may find it hard to agree. Especially in a place where homeschooling isn´t popular, these wiews doesn´t seem to be so widely known, even within christian circles. Although our country rather recently got the independence back and dived into the western world, our nation views, our society, as far as it seems to me, are very modernised, and feminized so quickly. I find it really sad, that people don´t appreciate old ways, that were the way the were for a reason, anymore.

Many blessing to blog writers and also readers!
Strength for the road!


Cindi said...

I read from South Western Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Hello to you all. I love reading this blog, many of the articles remind me how life used to be as I was growing up. Hasn't life got complicated in the last 20-30 years?
You probably won't have heard of the place where I come from but it's Guernsey, one of the small islands in the English channel.

Lisa@UnexpectedJourney said...

Hello! Enjoy your site tremendously! I'm from Southern California.

Anonymous said...

I live in Oxfordshire in England and am a regular visitor here. I'm not really very good at home-making, but I like the idea of it!

Jennie C. said...

I'm a day late, but I am in Georgia. My husband is stationed at Fort Stewart, deployed to Iraq, and I'm a homeschooling mama of six little children, trying my best to keep it all together!

I love your Ladies Against Feminism site, except for one thing. It isn't updated nearly often enough!

Mrs. Pear said...


I am in Southern California, and this week will be moving my family 70 miles away to another town in Southern California! We are thrilled as we will be closer to my husband's new job (Since October), so no more 80 mile commutes each way in California traffic!

I am a stay at home wife and mother (we have a daughter who just turned two!)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm Sarah from Lancashire, England. I've been a reader for over a year now.

Amy said...

Hey! I found your blog shortly after I was married and have been reading ever since. Right now, we are living in Georgia. :o)

TheNormalMiddle said...

I am a frequent reader of your blog in central North Carolina (the prettiest country in all the world, I daresay! :)

Buffy said...

Greetings from Hampshire in England. Your blog is quite unique. I look forward to reading many more interesting articles.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been an avid reader for a quite a while now and LOVE this blog.
My name is Candy and I am reading from my home in...

Edmonton, Alberta...CANADA

Thanks & God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Old time reader from Melbourne, Australia. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Sherman,

I live in eastern Kentucky with my wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters that I homeschool. I check your blog daily, it is truly a source of encouragement to those who want to embrace Biblical womanhood.


Linz said...


I hail from just outside the US capitol. Your articles almost always bring a smile to my mind. Thanks!

Mrs.Vicki said...

Hi, Michigan here :o)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I read your blogs everyday, We live in Massachusetts. I liked seeing someone from Jacksonville, FL posting here, we lived in Jacksonville for a couple of years, my first child was born there. And we also lived in West Virginia for seven years, where three of my other children happen to be born.
I enjoy this blog very much.

Anonymous said...

From central Pennsylvania on the banks of the Susquehanna! Thanks SO much for this lovely blog. I save it for my "treat" with a cup of tea or glass of lemonade. - Meg

Anonymous said...

I'm reading you from colorful Colorado!


Anonymous said...


I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Thank you for your blog, I have been reading it for a few years now.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia.

Anonymous said...

I check this blog each day (sometimes more than once a day!) from Northern Virginia, in a suburb of the nation's capitol. Your writings are always a blessing to me. Love the beach photo, and I have a tiered denim skirt, very similar to yours. A comfortable choice, pretty and practical!! God bless! Marie

Rebecca said...

I just found your blog today! I'm in Wisconsin!

Anonymous said...

I'm a frequent reader who rarely comments. Thanks for all that you do.

I live in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia, PA.


Anonymous said...

I'm live just easy of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Hello from the south shore of Long Island, New York. I really enjoy your blog! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am from the Gulf Coast of Florida, near Clearwater. I love your website (blog) and feel like I am checking in with friends when I visit it.

Anonymous said...

I'm from NW Montana. I read often. Thanks for the wonderful posts.

Anonymous said...

I'm here in Virginia Beach, VA. How wonderful to see this lovely remnant situated all around the world! Thanks for all you do, Lydia.

Anonymous said...

Lady Lydia,
I am from Plainfield, Illinois, a suburb southwest of Chicago. It is hard to describe what an inspiration your site is to me. It has brought out a side of me that was never really fed before. I have changed so much since coming across your site, LAF, and many other wonderful blogs.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mrs. Carie

theups said...

Hi there!!! I am in Georgia and LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog!! :)

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

I simply love this Blog! Our home is in the country near Dana, Indiana

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

I'm currently reading from Va.

Anonymous said...

I am currently reading from Northern California- in a small town between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe. I also was a viewer when I lived in Ireland. I lived in Athlone, County Westmeath.

wendybirde said...

Another "neighbor" here, also from Oregon : )

Susie said...

Lady Lydia,
I'm reading your site the Phoenix, AZ area. Orginally I'm from the Chicago suburbs. I thank the Lord that He has used you to post about biblical womanhood (which indeed is beautiful). God Bless!

Jodi said...

Hello, Lady Lydia. I am a regular reader and very infrequent commenter from the great Chattanooga, TN area.

Leah Spencer said...

I'm a stay-at-home-wife from Southern Arizona and truly enjoy the views you present on this blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am in Alaska...your old stomping ground! You and I have "spoken" a few times over the years. You are always an inspiration to me Lady Lydia!

Anonymous said...

I read this blog daily and enjoy it a lot, since I often feel lonely as a full-time homemaker. It is good to know that we're not the only family choosing this kind of life for our children... and ourselves ;)

Malgomaj, Sweden

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am a frequent reader from Hampshire, England. I very rarely comment on blogs!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lady Lydia: I am in northwest Virginia. I look for your blog entries each and every day.
Thank you so much for writing.
In Christ
Patricia (Mrs. Giovanni) Anzalone

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


I am from PA, also and enjoy reading your blog. I am looking forward to reading Lillibeth's blog and sharing it with my daughters!

Ann'Re said...

I am originally from the Detroit area, but we are now living in the beautiful Amish country of NE Indiana.

Thanks for all you do...may the Lord bless you richly.

Anonymous said...

I live near Grand Rapids, MI.

JacquiG said...

I visit regularly from Ontario, Canada, west of Toronto.

Lydia said...

This is just great, and it gives us new links to look at, too! Knowing who you are makes us more accountable about what we tell here. We wouldn't want to lead a lot of people astray and we try to be accurate and also helpful and cheerful. We love you all and thank you for viewing. I believe there are also ladies from Indonesia, Japan and other countries that haven't yet keep coming!

Lydia said...

Note to a young lady against feminism: please send me your blog address again. I had a little trouble with getting it posted.

Also the lady who said she didn't get the newsletter she paid for. Please email me.

Paula said...

Dear Lady Lydia, I am a reader from Louisiana. Your wonderful blog and articles on LAF are a tremendous blessing to me and my family. I check your blog daily! I am blessed to be a wife, a homeschooling mom to our son, and a homemaker! You are so very encouraging! I thank the Lord for using you to write these much needed articles. I always feel blessed, and inspired to be a better wife, mother, and homemaker by reading your articles. Thank you with all my heart! Your new book looks wonderful! The Lord richly bless you!!! Paula

Anonymous said...

Boise, Idaho.

Teresa said...

Central Kentucky

I enjoy this blog and check it for updates quite often. Blessings to you!

Bethany said...

I'm a reader who checks for new posts nearly everyday, here in Chandler, AZ. I just love your blog, all the pictures and the wonderful topics of discussion. I especially appreciate the validation and encouragement you ladies give to being a homemaker. I'm usually met with condescending attitudes or disdain when people find out that I "only" work part-time, or previously (before the blessing of my part-time job), that I "don't do anything". It's so good to hear other, wiser, women speaking of being a homemaker as the beautiful, joyful thing I know it to be.

The Lane Family said...

I am from Jacksonville, Florida raising two beautiful daughters. After working full time since a teeneager, I am trying to become the best homemaker and Mom that I can be. Thanks to your website and others, I am gaining knowledge and inspiration in my journey... thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

A long-time reader from Phoenix, Arizona (waving to Sharon and Susan).

Anonymous said...

I am currently reading from North Texas! Thank you so much for all the hard work you ladies put into this blog!

Anonymous said...

I am a faithful reader from Northridge, California in the San Fernando Valley. I can't thank you enough for all your good work.

Much love,
JoAnn R.

Anonymous said...

i am from stilwell, kansas. i have so enjoyed your blog and have read it for a few years now. thank you

Anonymous said...

Thank you for linking to my website! I am visiting you from southwestern Oklahoma.

~Anna C

(My Blog Address)

Anonymous said...

I am in Hampton, Virginia. I visit most every day. I love your blog. You are such an inspiration to me!

Anonymous said...

Northcentral Indiana.

Your blog is a blessing to read!

- Mrs. Marks

Anonymous said...

I am Lady Elizabeth, a daily reader from Diamond Bar, CA.

Blessings to you and your famiy, Lady Lydia.

Cassandra said...

A daily reader from New York state. I get so much from this blog!

Anonymous said...

I read your blogger daily. I found it through LAF. It has been such an inspiration to me. At times when I feel lonely, I read your blog and realize that I'm not alone on this journey. Thank you from Lewiston, Idaho.

Diane said...

I thought I posted yesterday, or the day before. Here it is again in case I forgot.

I'm a stay at home wife, mother to two daughters, and a grown son, here in South Carolina.

This is such an encouraging blog, and thank you for taking the time to encourage homemakers.

Anonymous said...

I have been inspired and learned much from your writings.
Lyn in Moscow, ID

Anonymous said...

I was born in Seattle, WA, grew up in Tillamook,OR, and now reside in Central California. My daughters and I all love your site!


Anonymous said...

We are north of Chicago(Waukegan,IL), and can see Lake Michigan from a walking path in a forest preserve near our house. I love your blog... Thank you for the encouragement! Kim

Smockity Frocks said...

I'm a frequent reader from Pampa, TX. I thought I saw somewhere that your husband is a cofC preacher. We are members, too.

Anonymous said...

Northern California.

Anonymous said...

Viewing from Charlotte, North Carolina. I have 4 children (19, 18, 16,& 11)and have been blessed with a husband that sees the value of my staying home. Having said that, I still stuggle with being a good homemaker. Thank you for all the inspiration and ideas your blog has provided me.

Nadege Armmour

Anonymous said...

I love to check this site as often as I am able, I have three boys ..... What a blessing! I have been encouraged to enjoy what is really natural, being a mom...and especailly a homemaker...
I live in Northern California in the Sierra Foothills.

Anonymous said...

I am Mrs. Fathima, Indian Muslim, Living in UAE, I wanted to know about american culture so I browsed the net. LAF and then your Blog have been a refreshing contrast and bring out the pride, beauty and dignity of the US culture which we have read in our School Books. I am espescially fascinated by the Pioneers who came and created a new vibrant civilisation from the amalgamation of different cultures and Races. Of course the work culture and respect for all kinds of professions in America is what attracts the most talented and accomplshed people from all over the world including India to even leave their dear and near to come to America and settle here.
Thank you for giving a different perspective of American Civilization which is more attractive to us.

With Kind Regards and respects,
Mrs Fathima

Anonymous said...

I check your blog as often as I can. I am from the Portland, OR area. I had always felt that a woman's place was the home. I love reading your blog because now that I am facing a rather empty nest I know that I am still needed at home by my husband, and the kids know where to find me when needed. Thank You!

Lydia said...

Dear Mrs. Fathima,

I am so glad you found us. I don't know what we did to deserve it but we were banned by the Indian government.

Bird said...

I live in Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Washington State here!

Mrs Nehemiah

Kathleen said...

Alberta, Canada!

Anonymous said...

i'm also from Pennsylvania (waves to all the other PA ladies)


Lydia said...

What a thrill to hear from you all. We are so isolated as homeamkers these days as so many women are in the workforce, away from home. It is like finally getting to talk over the fence about home life.

Will the ladies who are viewing from Malta, Greece, Turkey, Russia, and France, please post and say Hello? If you are hesitant, you can post anonymously. I see you on my stat counter which only reveals the countries.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lady Lydia and all the other ladies out there! I am amazed at the number of enthusiastic homemakers out there! My home is in the Low Country of South Carolina where I live on a farm with my husband, almost 2 year old daughter, and await the arrival of our son in just 6 more weeks!!
Thank you for your inspiring articles!

Emily said...

It looks like I'm your first reader to reply from New England. We are homeschoolers living in southern NH. Your writing is a blessing and inspiration!

Me said...

I check your blog from upstate NY.

Alexandra said...

Blogging from Virginia. :)

Serena said...

I'm in Northern California. Like Amanda, I'm between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe, in the Foothills. Hi Amanda! When I was in Ireland, I passed through Athlone.

Tan said...

What, only 2 Australians?? Better make that 3. Im in Melbourne.

G.L.H. said...

Reading you from Indiana here.

Lydia said...

Hello! I'm reading from Oklahoma.

Anonymous said...

I am from SW Missouri/NW Arkansas

Anonymous said...

I'm reading you from Texas!

Mrs. Cote said...

I am reading from Virginia. I very much enjoy the inspiration to do better at home all the time :)

Anonymous said...

I'm here from Mobile, Alabama.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady Lydia,
I thought I had posted before, but aparently it didn't work!

I am an avid reader and stay at home wife from Seattle Washington. Your blog has been so refreshing and encouraging to me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady Lydia,
I'm a regular reader living in Patagonia, Argentina.

Love the blog and the inspiration!!


Anonymous said...

I'm in Breese, IL. (A little tiny town east of St. Louis.) I wish I'd found this blog when I was a SAHW! Now that I'm a SAHM of 2 (ages 2yrs and 10mos) I find that I owe a lot of housekeeping debt from those prior years. I had no mentor to train me in homekeeping. So now I'm learning on my own...that is to say, with MUCH help from blogs like this one! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm here in Wisconsin. I really enjoy your site and have often found inspiration in what you have written. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady Lydia

I really enjoy reading your blog. You have some really nice postings especially about the wife staying at home and female modesty. I myself am actually a convert to Islam from Christianity. But we share many similar beliefs such as that in Islam modesty is very important to us for both females and males (see Quran Chapter 24 verse 30-31) also we believe that the best place for a woman is in her home taking care of the house and her family. By the way I'm here in Chelmsford in the UK. Just thought I'd let you know :)

p.s I do not mean to cause any offence in this comment only to show how our religions are similar. God willing there will be a time where we can all live in peace

Anonymous said...

I am viewing from Florida. I am so glad you wrote "Just Breathing the Air", because I remember a post you made a while back about growing up in Alaska...I ordered a copy and can't wait to receive it!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm your long time reader from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Originally I'm from Russia.
Your blog influenced me to become a homemaker and to love every minute of it!
Thank you for all your work, ladies.

Anonymous said...

I am writing from Quincy, IL, just eight blocks from the Mississipi River. Thank you so very much for taking the time to encourage myself and so many others. I check your blog everyday and it has given me so much inspiration and, yes, the courage to keep going on. I'm a better wife, mother, keeper at home, and homeschool teacher because of the things you have taught me.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's amazing to me that there are 4 other Idaho readers: Boise, Kuna, Lewiston and Moscow. I am from the Coeur d'Alene area. To make the state readership complete you just need a reader from the Pocatello/Idaho Falls area!

Thanks for a wonderful blog and what a wonderful way to spread the gospel!

(I'm cyberisme from the Beautiful Womanhood forums).

Anonymous said...

Dear Lady Lydia,

Yes, I was also surprised to hear that your blog has been banned, maybe its a case of mistaken identity or red tape or something. It is a very strange thing to happen, because India as a whole is very tolerant towards all religions. Hopefully, this problem will resolve itself soon.

With Kind regards,
Mrs Fathima.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Finland! I read your blog everyday. I consider myself a homemaker eventhough I do have a part-time job. I work about 10 hours outside of the home and 2-6 hours from home (in a week). One day I hope to be a full time housewife (and mother). This blog is a great source of encouragement and also practical tips! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I think my comment didn't get posted but I will try again. I'm writing from Lisbon, Portugal and I'm a stay at home wife and mother. I know I'm doing the right thing but I do feel very lonely because I only know a few women in my country who stay at home but all of them say that they would prefer to work outside the home.

Thank you for your work. It is very important to me.

Anonymous said...

My Dear Lady Lydia,
How wonderful to read all of the glowing comments from so many diverse places.

What words of encouragement I have received over the years from your webiste and LAF.

Thank you for helping me to enjoy my calling as a SAHM through your postings. I often print the articles to read while I am waiting in a doctor's office to see something useful and uplifting.

The photos on your blog are always beautiful and your words are filled with love for a vocation you seem to enjoy as well.

I am writing from Winston Salem NC.


Anonymous said...

Dearest lady Lydia,

Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU! After all these months i can finally submit comments to this fantastic Blog anew!

To the three Australians that have already introduced themselves, here comes #4 - Mrs. E from South-West Sydney. if only this fantastic source of inspiration could be viewed by as many ladies out of the US as in the US, God's magnificent mesage for us would advance wonderfully. Aussie Gals, if you're reading, drop in a quick word or two so we don't feel so alone (smile)


Mrs. E.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Northeast Louisiana. I've been reading this blog daily since it was created. Thanks for all you do.

Anonymous said...

I am reading from Central TX


Laurel said...

Hi, Lady Lydia-
I'm here in the mountains of Northern New Mexico in the town of Los Alamos. Thank you for your inspirational blog.

Vanessa said...

Reading your blog from Ottawa, Canada!


Gina said...

Hello from Rhode Island, USA (interesting to read about traditional Portuguese, as my two grandmothers were, and were excellent examples of contented industrious homemakers).

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Machelle, and I just found this blog today but have been reading it and enjoying it. I've also read your articles on LAF and find them inspiring, especially the article about how teenage girls should dress properly. I'm 17 and it's hard to find clothing that I'm not ashamed to wear. the clothing you suggested was beautiful.

With Love,

Anonymous said...

P.S. I'm from a small town in Kansas. Forgot to put that part in.

Vanessa said...

Alberta, Canada here!

I love this blog!!!


Anonymous said...

Here I am stopping by from Norway! Gill.

Anonymous said...

Loving your blog from beautiful Queensland Australia.. I'm so grateful for all the wisdom you share. Thanks for your effort and sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lady Lydia
I am a relatively new reader of your blog and love to regularly read your Ladies Against Feminism site...I am a homeschool Mama of four precious blessings and we are New Zealanders.THANK YOU for all that you do to encourage and inspire those of us who are trying to live a life of old fashioned ideals that are pleasing to God.Now a days society at large is very much opposed to our beliefs and you can feel isolated , so sites like yours are wonderful!....

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you from beautiful Sonora, CA!


Anonymous said...

Reading from sunny California! :)

Sherry said...

I'm in North Texas.

You might consider putting a ClustrMap in your sidebar ( ). It shows dots of all the places from which your readers come.

Lydia said...

Sherry thanks so much for the hint. I'll see if I can figure out how to do that. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lady Lydia! I'm Sophia and I've already written to let you know how much I enjoy your writings, and what impact they have on myself, as well as the impact you may have on those who may come here to learn why women might want to stay home. I currently live in Baltimore Maryland. One thing that might be nicely served by the ClustrMap mentioned is that we might be able to see if we have a neighbor who is a kindred spirit. As mentioned, we can often feel alone, and it would be a wonderful thing to find someone close by to share our lives with.

All my best to you, wonderful lady!

Sophia Duvall

Anonymous said...

Dear Lady Lydia,

My name is Brenda and I live on the Black Sea in Turkey. I love your blog and find a lot of encouragement from it as sometimes it feels I am all alone in a dark place. Everytime I come and read I am refreshed!

Thanks a lot for all you do!

Anonymous said...

Lady Lydia,

I stumbled across the Ladies Against Feminism website a couple of years ago, and have been reading it ever since. Ditto for this blog once it went up, and I've greatly enjoyed them both.

I am currently a SAHM in Cincinnati, Ohio with my husband and 4 children--ages 4, 2, 9 months, and 2 months in utero! ;)

Anonymous said...


I'm a little late! Victoria here, wife, mother, grandmother from Central California. Love to read your blog. Thank you!

P. said...

Waving from Portugal too: from Sintra, near Lisbon.
I began to read you at LAF some 2 years ago, maybe.
About woman at home: in Portugal nobody works at home anymore (almost nobody). I keep saying not working outside is so important and dignifying for a woman but everybody looks at me as I was an alian. I'm quite used to that because, as a strong catholic, my ideas are always opposing the world mentality, so most people find me rather strange.
I work outside my home because I have such a good income but I'm always saying that it's only because of that. If you could see the looks of other people when I say that!- they wanted me to say I work outside because I think is more interesting that staying at home. And because I say I don't agree with them, I'm strange.
My mother used to work since she got married and only stoped some years ago to take care of my ageing grandmother - and she was quite ill. Now, that my grandnother went to live with God, my mother didn't go back to the work force and helps me to raise my children.
Sorry for the long post.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this blog. It is beautiful. I am a regular reader. I am from St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana.

Just Melody said...

Visiting from northern AL


Anonymous said...

I'm in Raleigh, NC.


Anonymous said...


I've been out of town all week at Vision Forum's Jamestown Celebration so I just saw this post. I am from Wheeling, WV and I love your site. Thank you so much.

Tina H.

Anonymous said...

I have been enjoying reading your articles and your blog for several years now. Thank you for all of your encouragement. I love to come here and visit.
Blessings from Michele in North Central Florida!

Anonymous said...

Our family has also been at the Jamestown 400 Celebration all week and just saw this post.
Michele in North Central Florida

Anonymous said...

I found you thru the LAF website which my sister showed me a few years ago. I am a homeschooling mama of 4 children and we live in Panama City, FL. My husband has always wanted me to be home and I'm so glad he feels that way and supports me so much. I check in weekly and always love to read what you have to say and I love the pictures too!

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Howdy from Austin, TX. Keep up the great work!