Saturday, January 11, 2025

Busy at Home

Today's fog view produced this vivid sunset:

I am so happy you came to visit today and I hope it is edifying!! I've very encouraged when you listen and leave your thoughts in a comment here.

I ordered some paper teacups with handles from the web and 
was so pleased with them. They worked well. Acquire these by doing a web search for paper teacups with handles . These are sometimes listed as party supplies. 

I sent my visitors off with a tray ala Lady Harriot in her carriage. Affectionate devotees of Wives and Daughters will remember that scene of someone serving her a refreshment on a tray through the window of her carriage. I got a kick out of reenacting that scene with hot tea, using these paper cups:

I shared from my recent Eric Sloane book the origin of the dollar sign.

I also did a brief review of a girls activity book. There is a boys book like this you can order, and there are several publishers with different covers.

I always suggest that older women read and do the activities in these books, because they benefit greatly  from doing the things they were not given the opportunity to do when they were growing up. Also, its very edifying and restoring to do everything you want your own children to do. 
You could get a scrapbook or journal book and paste in all the handicrafts shown in this book. I am planning to do this, myself.

I made this video for my laid-up, shut-in friends who are recovering from illness and not getting around much.  If you are one of them, this is a good time to get re-acquainted with the video version of Wives and Daughters. You can watch it free on 

Check around Dailymotion for other channels that have the complete video series and try to watch them in order. 

You can also order a dvd set for yourself online.

Please enjoy being home while you listen:


 For Edgar Guest poetry books GO HERE

I read these poems by Edgar Guest, which you may also find printed online.

At The Door
The Real Successes
When Mother Cooked With Wood
The Home Builders

Here is a very good physician I have been listening to, regarding easy steps to better health.


Christal said...

I loved this but I greatly adore every video you make, thankyou for taking the time and making these. I really enjoy the poetry and I have a paperback edition of edgar a guest but I didn't have these poems in there. Where did you find your hardcover edition, it looked very beautiful. Lydia have a very blessed and beautiful week enjoy your hot cups of tea, I am.

Lydia said...

The hard cover may have com from Thrift Books, on the web, and a used copy.

Lydia said...

Dear Lydia Ruth,

I am grateful that you always provide quality content for all homemakers and those who aspire to be one. I really appreciated and enjoyed all the poetry readings in today’s broadcast, too. It’s such a special treat when you read them aloud to us.😊

After church today, one of my Sunday school students presented me with a box of disposable tea cups and saucers; they were just like the ones you shared in your video. I usually host a tea party for my girl students biannually, and she told me to use them for our next gathering. They ordered them off of Amazon, and I am looking forward to hosting a party with them soon. So are the girls.πŸ˜‰

Thank you, Lydia, for being so kind and sharing all your wonderful ideas and advice to create a place of beauty within our own homes.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your encouragement for homemakers. I am a mum of four myself. Any ideas for how to guide a teenage girl who is being pushed by her father and mother in law to be a career girl? I do my best to lead by example but I'm afraid with the world hgr way it is it isn't enough.

Christal said...

Lydia can you read some jane austen, I watched some of her movies when I was younger never thinking too much about them, but now I'm hooked I love everything about them, I'm reading your favorite Brian kozlowski book now, really enjoying it. Have a blessed day❤️❤️

Janine said...

Did the dreaded job of washing windows as I listened and it made such a difference in the beauty of my kitchen! Loved this video, as always :)

R's Rue said...

I love the first photo.