Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Dignity and Refinement

 Thank you for your visit today. I appreciate it more than I can express! 
Today on the video I mentioned the tea that has non-toxic wrappers or bags, and the one above, has bags made of sugar cane.

 We had a light snow fall.

(This is not "real wicker"; it is vinyl.)

One of the points I made today was this:

To those who are living in less than ideal situations, or in reduced circumstances, dress with dignity. Do not call attention to your situation in a negative way. Dress as though you are rising above discouragement. Simply be neat and clean well put together. 

 If you will be absorbed in caring for your appearance and self-improvement, as well as keeping your dwelling in excellent condition, you will not notice the circumstances as often. 

In time, there will be whole days so filled with things to do and think about that you make your dwelling a glorious place that angels might look in on with envy. 

  If you will become interested in learning about things, and develop a curriculum for yourself, you will be able to live outside of your situation and have a very abiding sense of well-being and happiness.

Self improvement in things like self control and kindness and responsibility— that will always rise above circumstances. 

If you need more edifying regarding your current situation, listen to

I saw this once when I was about 10 years old on a Loretta Young Show episode but it has never been released to the public, for obvious reasons which you'll know after you listen to it.

I read these poems:
Don't Quit
The Man Who Thinks He Can
The Brighter Side
The Choices
The Joyous Gifts

The author of most of these on the list is Edgar A. Guest

Please enjoy your home while you listen today.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Video Soon…

These are real flowers sent from a lovely lady via pro-flowers. They’ve looked fresh since the middle of December. I had been putting them in a cold area at night . 

I am looking forward to our talk sometime today  and I am hoping to have videos more often.  I have so many things to share in the valuable and high honor of being a worker and keeper at home.