Thank you for your visit today. I appreciate it more than I can express!
Today on the video I mentioned the tea that has non-toxic wrappers or bags, and the one above, has bags made of sugar cane.
We had a light snow fall.
(This is not "real wicker"; it is vinyl.)
One of the points I made today was this:
To those who are living in less than ideal situations, or in reduced circumstances, dress with dignity. Do not call attention to your situation in a negative way. Dress as though you are rising above discouragement. Simply be neat and clean well put together.
If you will be absorbed in caring for your appearance and self-improvement, as well as keeping your dwelling in excellent condition, you will not notice the circumstances as often.
In time, there will be whole days so filled with things to do and think about that you make your dwelling a glorious place that angels might look in on with envy.
If you will become interested in learning about things, and develop a curriculum for yourself, you will be able to live outside of your situation and have a very abiding sense of well-being and happiness.
Self improvement in things like self control and kindness and responsibility— that will always rise above circumstances.
If you need more edifying regarding your current situation, listen to
I saw this once when I was about 10 years old on a Loretta Young Show episode but it has never been released to the public, for obvious reasons which you'll know after you listen to it.
I read these poems:
Don't Quit
The Man Who Thinks He Can
The Brighter Side
The Choices
The Joyous Gifts
The author of most of these on the list is Edgar A. Guest
Please enjoy your home while you listen today.
Hello Mrs Sherman, i have been watching you videos and i adore you , you are my internet grandma/homeschool teacher. You are such a breath of fresh air on this noisy babbling youtube of negativity. Although i do listen to apologetics and other teaching of books in the Bible. But your sweet voice keeps me company and sharp as i do my daily chores , which are tedious but i am on a decluttering journey , maybe im going to try my skills on facebook market. Ive always wanted to tell you how much i appreciate you and you have opened my eyes to the victorian time which i love to learn more about , on amazon video i discovered tales of little women and it was such a wholesome and righteous show i watched all four season almost back to back. I want my toddler to see goodnes in everything we set our eyes on . Ive kept you long enough , thank you again you are so special. Stay in Christ xoxoxoxoxox!
I was so excited that you posted a new video, I worked on my lady with floral dress embroidery. I enjoyed the poetry immensely. Your teapots and painting above piano, they are all soo lovely, very beautiful. You looked beautiful as well, thankyou for keeping me company.
Dear Lydia Ruth,
Your closing comments sums up my sentiment about today’s broadcast…EDIFYING and most BENEFICIAL!! Thanks so much for the sweet poem recitations, your delightful sense of humor ( I enjoyed several chuckles with you), and the priceless change of mood and motivation I receive about my appearance and my homemaking. I could go on and on. I loved every moment listening to this video, Lydia. I truly appreciate all the encouragement, advice and ideas you shared here. I’m in the process of sending you a little note, my friend. Hopefully soon. ❤️💕
Mrs. Sherman,
That was very needed today for me. Thank you so much for teaching us. I really feel edified and it is what I needed at this time. Your videos mean a lot to me. They are a balm to me and today’s really lifted me up.
I took some notes so that I could do more meaningful things in my home and life.
I hope to hear more on the things you shared! I would love to see you make an example hour by hour job list. That from you would be very helpful probably to a lot of people because they are relevant to your talks.
Thank you, ladies!!!!! Your comments give me ideas
Dear Lydia Ruth,
Happy for your promised visit.. Even the words dignity and refinement create a stir of being our best as women created in His image. I mourn the loss of both of these things in our culture today, but we do not stop with the still much needed, and "edifying, beneficial" message you bring.
I thank you for reading Edgar Guests poems. I like having the website of his poetry you linked too. (I believe I forgot to thank you for this a while back!)
Thank you for a lovely visit today. I appreciate your wisdom and humor so much. We do a daily poetry reading in our home school and found an anthology that has inspired my daughter, The Best Loved Poems of the American People. There is hardly a page that my daughter hasn’t marked with a meaningful poem. I especially enjoy hearing how it was “back in the day.” 💕
I have that book too and will start reading from it in future videos
I have the same poetry book that Mrs. Bain mentioned. I tend to be like Mr. Gibson from W&D—I have ‘no soul for poetry’. But i have enjoyed listening to you read it on your videos. I may have to give poetry another chance.
I was so happy to hav another broadcast from you—I’ve been missing them.
Dearest, I always love your attitude on overcoming and regal focus on how to live above your means. We can all remember the lean times that were just plain yucky. But my Mother always carried a little plastic bread bag with a washcloth in it so us kids never looked like rag-a muffins!
Yes. Let's remember to be dignified in all we say and do and dress, Great reminder!!
Hugs, Roxy
I too have been cutting my tea bags that are made of plastic, and dumping the tea into my infuser mug. Plastic is ubiquitous, it's a real problem. I would love to try the tea you showed us. Numi is a good brand. I also enjoyed the poetry you read, very much. Thank you!
Good Morning Lydia- I enjoyed your latest video. Thankyou for encouraging us with the poems and toEmoji be happy where we are and content. Have a great day!!! Dahlia
Thank you for this video . I can't tell you how encouraging it was. 💐
God bless you.
Thank you, Lydia Ruth, for every single topic you spoke of here. In the last few years of following your blog, I need to say that this is one of your very best. God bless you and keep you in His perfect will at this time.
(I so appreciated your honesty about some mixed angst and feelings while growing up).
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