We finally have the best solution: anyone can post, whether registered or not, but they have to fill out those tedious word verification forms where you type in the letters. It prevents the ads and the spam that is so aggravating to us.
The LAF site is hosting a homemaking conference online, in which my daughter and I will be speaking during one of the sessions. I understand there is a fee for participating in this and that you can ask questions. However, for those who cannot do this, if you will email me, I can send you a blog where I am writing what we will be discussing. Our particular subject might not be what you are looking for, as it is not actually about homemaking. We will be discussing the concept of mother-daughter harmony, but it does involve many aspects of life at home, and includes homemaking.
"Outlook" by Peter Quidley
I would like the to read your blog about mother-daughter harmony. Thank you!
Hi Lady Lydia,
I would love to know the blog address where you are posting the conference notes. I'm away that weekend and can't make it. You can leave it on my blog or respond to this comment. If you need to send it privately, please let me know by the same means.
Thank you!
I would also love to be able to read the blog.
Ladies I will send you each the location where we are putting the comments we will be using at the conference On March 17, in a little while. Thanks so much for your interest.
Hi Lady Lydia,
How may I become a registered user?
Being a little bit dense at times, I think I have finally figured out the registration thingy. Just posting to test my hypothesis. Thanks, and blessings, LL.
Most people are already registered. What I meant by the post is that you wouldn't be able to post anonymously or use another name. Any name that is blue, is a registered name. So, don't worry about it.
Just now I'm going to open it to anyone, so you need not worried about being registered, for the time being.
Lady Lydia, I am sorry you are dealing with spam, your blog is so beautiful! If people don't like it, why don't they read something else?
Please continue your inspirational and very important work!
in His peace,
Melody it is the ads that are coming in droves, not the naysayers and the people who don't like the blog.
Have you tried word authenication. It will show a letter image that will have to be typed into a form before it will allow the comment through. It allows non-blogger's to post and keeps the auto spammers from getting through.
I've just now done that. Amazing isn't it how the unruly can take away our liberty. It is a nuisance to have to fill out the word verification every time we post!
Do you live in a yurt?
Hi!!! Im so glad you are back to posting. Sorry to hear about the spam troubles!
- Candyfrom Canada
p.s... Lady Lydia...I finally have a blog now!! :)
You have to email me in order to get this. Your name doesn't take me to your email address, so I couldn't send the article
Sorry to hear about those nasty spam troubles. I hope you're able to resolve the problem. By the way, I am thoroughly enjoying your posts :) Thank you for sharing with us all.
I just wanted to make sure that I am registered. I am very thankful for your blog - it is often very inspiring.
I would love the blog address...
and I too, wanted to make sure that I am registered, I love reading your postings.
you have to email me to get the article.
Can you please add me to the long list. lol ;0) I would love to be able to read anything about mother daughter harmony. My email address is w8ng4him@bellsouth.net Thanks a ton.
I would also like the blog address where you are posting the conference notes.
I also have a question relating to the pictures on your site, such as the cabins, cottages, and chairs. Are they copyrighted, or do we have permission to copy them and use them somewhere on our blogs? I am new to blogging, so I don't want to violate anything.
Thank you.
If you put the name of the artist and the place where it is found to purchase on the web, you can usually use them. I have not always put the name on all mine, but if you want to find them, go to www.allposters.com or Pop Art on the web and type in "cabins" or "houses" or just look through it and see what you like.There will be some undesireable stuff there but if you type in what you are looking for you usually can find it.
I would appreciate knowing the conference notes blog address. Thank you kindly for offering.
Hi Lydia,
Best wishes for the conference, sounds like a wonderful event!
Dear Lydia,
I have benefited from your blog. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience.
I would like the address for your conference notes. Looking forward to reading it!
Thank you,
You have to email me to get the article.
I want to live in a yurt. Right now DH and I are working on getting out of debt (using the dave ramsey plan). When we get that done we are planning on buying some land and putting up a yurt to live in. I think it's funny how many people are like, "Will that be enough room?" (30'yurt=710 sq. ft.) And I think WOW! that used to be a big house.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to e-mail you to get the article. I do not have a web site. I remember you mentioned a while back how to find your e-mail address but now I cannot find the place you wrote it. I don't see it on your web page. Is this the same place you used to say you wrote to help parents of troubled children? Thankyou for finding a way for us that don't have site to post again.
write to me at: LadyLydiaSpeaks@comcast.net
The reason I don't put the link where you can find it, is that I don't want it attacked. These articles are very forthright, and by keeping the blog private and the articles sent only to those who ask for them, I've been able to avoid the rude comments and the ads, spam, etc.
We will try to have some inspiring new articles up soon!
I would like the blog address also, please. Thank you.
What a beautiful picture.
Just wanted you all to know I added a little more to the article on mother-daughter harmony. Those who have the site can go and check. Others can email me and I'll send it to you ladylydiaspeaks@comcast.net
Lady Lydia I would love to be able to read the articles too. Could I please request the blog address. Thank you!
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