Sitting In the Garden,
by Susan Rios
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Picking Daisies, by H. Seeger (German, 1857-1945)
Before I complete this part of the sewing series, I want to show some planning techniques for selecting clothing, even if you buy ready-made. You might sketch a garment or include the picture of the pattern you are going to use, on your scrapbook planning page. I have attached snips of fabrics and made notes about what the dress might be suitable for (travel, homemaking, church, etc).
click on for details
Take some time once a year to make a planning page like this(the spring is an ideal time to begin), and use a dark pencil or pen and your crayons, to illustrate your planning page. I have a deluxe box of crayons containing just about every color that you can get in crayons, and use them a lot.
You can also make a scrapbook page with a collection of clothes from catalogs and magazines, to give you ideas for sewing or selecting to wear. I hope you do not have a problem printing it out.
A collection of clippings for ideas in design and color.

On the planning sheet there is a clip of yellow and sage fabric similar to the dress and shawl worn by Molly on the way to her father's wedding. She also wore it while staying with the Miss Brownings. If you want to get a look at how calicos and cotton prints are used in every day dressing, look through Wives and Daughters films and notice Molly's clothing. There is a good screenshot of the bodice of this yellow dress with the shawl here
Its time to launch your own Polyvore showcase page!
These can be themed; seasonal, functionality, colour inspiration, movie or book title, Fabulous!
I do not know about polyvore, but it sounds like a good idea.
this is an example of Polyvore; Lisam's work is excellent; everything she collages is listed item by item with links where possible so one can actually track down an garment or accessory if liked.
this will cheer you up!
Even though the garments and accessories might be pricy, they may serve to inspire one's own creativity or searching through thrift stores or seconds outlets.
Here are some more that will inspire.
'Kristen's Daughter' is another who is 'reading from the same page.
have a blessed day!
Some more ideas for your fashion show students.
These sound nice for younger ladies but would likely be in many cases intergenerational.
Wow, I love your fashion ideas. The idea of combining different dresses for the seasons is a sweet and practical idea. I live in Maine, so we definitely have four distinct climates throughout the year. Do you have more ideas for around-the-house warm cover-ups and dresses? I like being comfortable and feminine and warm, since it's chilly here eight months out of the year. Wives and Daughters is such a sweet movie, and they added a great ending since Gaskell left it unfinished (her last scene was Molly at the window looking out in the rain at Roger). A wonderful movie.
I aim mostly to make clothing to wear for the home. I really do not like formal clothing. I use wovens because they are usually natural fibers and when they are crisp and new, can be worn to places where it might be better to dress up a little. Then, as they get more wash and wear, they are worn for the home. I am working on an ideal house dress that has roomy sleeves, a loose waist, and buttons in the front, which make it easy to dress yourself ---well, I mean, you do not need help with a zipper if you have buttons in the front.
I am in need of a new sewing machine. Do you have any pointers on what to look for? My budget is limited, but I want a new machine because my old one is too basic for my needs now. I can't afford to make a mistake!
Also, I wanted to pass on that I found a website called Many of the patterns are downloadable so you can print them right from home after purchase. They have patterns from every major company and some I have never heard of. Even if you do not place an order, it is a great place to go to find patterns to buy elsewhere. They show the front and backs of the envelopes so you can see how much fabric and what notions you will need.
On that site, I saw a few New Look Avant Garde patterns. They look like pretty vintage dresses, with full skirts. I have not looked at them all, but they may interest readers looking for more feminine attire to sew.
Your idea to sketch out clothes ideas is a great one. Dressing in a feminine way takes more planning than throwing on just anything. Your idea would make it easy to always dress in a pretty way, even when in a hurry on a busy morning.
I like this idea and think I might make a page like this. It would be fun to frame it for my sewing nook wall. You have given me lots to think about and do these last few months.
But I've also been loosing weight. All the dresses I made this spring and summer hang at terrible angles and are too many sizes too big to take in. Too bad...I'll have to start over. What fun!
Thank you! I'm the chilly Maine girl (yay poor circulation!). Having a warm, comfortable house dress or long flannel skirts with woolen tights underneath is much better than shlepping around in jeans and a shapeless sweater (which is what I did in college!).
After being inspired by your fashion page, I searched Google images and found a bunch of feminine dresses and accessories, then put them in a folder on my desktop. I can use them for inspiration when looking for patterns. Thanks again, Lady Lydia!
My 16th birthday dress was the one Molly wore when she stayed at Hamily Hall the first time. The calico print. My wedding dress was a combination of her red dress and that yellow one and just that style.
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