Woman Calls a Harvester Home to Lunch
I haven't forgotten everyone, and hope to be back writing soon, as well as future hand sewing activities, including a kitchen holder for plastic bags, that curtain and matching table cloth I have been planning on showing, and some other items.
The county fairs are on now, and I would like to remind all country folk that if you are living on country land or own land in the country, you are qualified to enter items in the fair. There are hundreds of categories and you can often make up your own. If you are able, you can work on items all during the year and then submit them into all the categories you want: sewing, knitting, art, crafts, re-cycling, etc. Hand made necklaces are popular this year, as well as scrap book pages, and I saw some crafts made from natural ingredients such as wheat and corn. There are always quilts and clothing and baking, too. If you are a rural family, there are many possibilities at the fair for earning money through cash prizes and even sales of your work. You could plan all year to make one entry a month, and then enter it all at fair time. Best of all, you do not have to sit in a booth or at a table and guard anything. It is all taken care of at the fair. I entered my woodsy fake cake that I showed here a few months ago, which was made from curly birch bark and pine cones. I dont think it will take a prize but I wanted to enter something.
Harvest is on here, and I have some interesting things to show you soon, about our country sky-scrapers.
Some pictures from Victoria Magazine, August 1988:
This is a layout they did of a historic place in Savannah, Georgia, in Dixie.
I like the backgrounds and settings of the drawings, where the artist puts the home in a setting full of trees, and a lot of sky.

A place in England, possibly where the writer, Beatrix Potter lived.
This is an easy way to make popsickles for children, using berry juices with apple juice, or whatever kind you have. Stick spoons in canning jars and put them on a plate, then set them in the freezer. When ready, take the spoon and twist it slightly and it will remove easily from the jar. As the ice softens, it can be put back in the glass and eaten with a spoon, like a sorbet.
This is Susan Rios' latest painting on ebay. Check out her site for more.
I'm a "Fair-aholic" and counting down the minutes 'till ours. I always enter a good 30 plus items, and it is so fun!
I love looking at all the other entries.
Even if you don't enter anything, visit the fair, GREAT fun for all!!!!
Australia has a fabulous herritage of Agricultural shows (as they're known here) with the Royal Easter (Sydney, at held during Easter, hence its name) and royal Melbourne being the most well known. (And, sorry Queenslanders - Royal Brisbane, also).
In sydney, we also have the Castle Hill show (the Hills District was still farming land to a certain extent as late as the early 70's).
Contact the Royal Agricultural Society in your state or territory (Aust only) for more information.
Just about every town and regional area has its own show, also. I've exhibited marmalade previously, and though I didn't achieve a win or place, just to be exhibited was prize enough for me as there's only so much space in their display cases... Lydia, you've the sewing talent to take home a swag of ribbons from your local show!!
I wonder how I could get copies of the farmhouse plans with veranda? We've been looking for house plans of that type for some time. What do you think?
I've never entered the fair before but have admired the work of others. Maybe some day I'll do just that.
I gave myself a little treat last year and ordered "At Home With Beatrix Potter" by Susan Denyer, on Amazon. I have enjoyed looking at it over and over, just like you would an old Victoria magazine.
It is a beautiful book. It is the story of how much her "new", old country home meant to her. She drew most of the artwork in her stories by using backgrounds from this home and garden and town, and it compares some of the real views to the artwork.
It emphasized to me just how much of a life's work can come out of the love of home, and how much our surroundings will affect or inspire our children for years to come.
The only thing I can suggest is that you click on the house plan picture a couple of times to enlarge it and then find out the name and type that on a search engine. Maybe the original designer will have it available somewhere. 1988 was over 20 years ago but the plans still might be found.
Try http://www.familyhomeplans.com/larry-garnett-house-plans-designs
The book sounds interesting. I just never figured out how she could make a story based on mice. Living in the country, I have not found them to be so cute. ;-)
Thank you.
Lydia...please let's have tea in the Rio painting at the little table in the garden!!!
Lynn M
I miss the county fairs. In a few weeks, I am going to the state fair with my daughter and friends. I have never been to a state fair so it should be fun. Love the painting.
L. Rose
Alas, the only county fair in our county is the 4-H fair which is for child members only. The county north of us has an old-fashioned fair which I've attended a couple of times. I love old-timey things!
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
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