Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Paradisical Morning

After some very dark, cold days, we were greeted with soft, warm breezes and some light sunshine. I made up a new word from the word "paradise", which is what it feels like today. So gentle and refined was the morning that I dressed up for it, and took some pictures to show here. Above you see a very large cup I got at a Goodwill for the handsome price of 89 cents. Showing a  painted leaf on the outside edge, I knew it was meant for a flowering plant. 

Some have called this a cedar of Lebanon tree that lives in the south yard area. It has huge branches which make a cool shelter beneath it. I will put a table and chairs there for a tea.

Seeing all I need to do here in the way of yard and garden work makes me wish I had not lolled around so much in the colder weather. The inside work is still not finished (there are some rooms in disarray due to moving and exchanging rooms) , and now the outside is screaming for weeding and trimming and planting.

Mr. S. Has way more stamina than I have, being out til after 8 p.m. gardenning. He gets so much accomplished. Here he is loading the garden spot with fresh dirt. It means, of course, without him saying anything, that I am going to plant the food, and hopefully soon.

He came in and told me seriously and solemnly that he had unearthed an historical relic; a mammoth of some kind from a previous era and he wanted me to get a photo of this:

It appeared a couple of feet deep, so he was wanting to speculate on what era it came from...probably the grandchild age. I do not know how many years each layer of dirt represents, do you?

It is going to rain again tomorrow so I have hurriedly done a little work outside before the grass and weeds grow so tall it makes the house look abandoned.

I send out distress photos of storage boxes and books, etc. to someone on my phone while I am getting everything back in order inside the house. I always send a picture that looks like "hoarders" and then in capital letters PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. Sometimes they send me back similar pictures as if to compete and show who has the worse mess, but I always win. Eventually they get an "after" picture of the almost miraculous clean-up.

Since the shoulder bone is connected to the elbow bone, there is never any way to move one room to another in a completely smooth, orderly way.  Seasoned homemakers expect that unrelated rooms will get a spill over from the upheaval. I don't let anyone see what I am doing unless they can be trusted and I won't have to pay to keep them quiet.

I will include pictures when things get back together.

Please make up your mind to have a lovely day.



Courtney Downs said...

I like your sense of humor.😊 Grandchild age. Very clever. 👍🏼

Martin + Rosey said...

This post made me smile, especially: “make up your mind to have a lovely day”. 😊

Willow said...

Lovely to see the sunshine isn't it? Here in the U.K. we are expecting more rain/sleet/wind over the next few days - what a disappointment after spending a few days in the garden recently. I would be very interested to hear what vegetables/fruit you will be growing in your garden? Love the little green dinosaur ... a sign of happy children in the back yard! xx

Boca said...

Entering the “grandchild age” with my two young granddaughters, I suspect we will be digging up such lovely relics in the years to come. I don’t often comment but do enjoy your posts very much.

Unknown said...

Lovely post. And yes, I think I will have a lovely day! Thanks for the reminder that we can make that decision each morning.

Unknown said...

I always enjoy reading your letters to us.

Songsparrowgarden said...

You are SO Funny Lydia. . . as is your husband!!! Love the relic. . you made me smile and laugh . . as you always do.

Most appreciated. . very very funny. Glad to see the sun shining for you - - and a garden-to-be that awaits. So many possibilities. You deserve (we all deserve) a lovely cup of tea now.

Lydia said...

Dolores, a real pleasure to see your sweet fac!

Christine, mr. S. Was leading me to think he had made a discovery that would be the answer to our financial situation, haha. I asked him what did he really think we could get for it??

Ellen, I'm digging up relics in the house and enjoying it, but wishing for Nya's saved more of my now children's toys. They were made differently.

Lydia said...

Courtney, yours was the first comment !

Lydia said...

Willow. We got our downpour today, after two days of sunshine So now many I can dig my way out of my indoor work, and not feel the urgency of catching th good weather for yard work.

Dianne said...

You always make me wish we were neighbors, Lydia. Friends. Love your posts so much!

Nancy said...

I have learned so much from you over the many years I've read your blog. Your wisdom and your sense of humor are endearing!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Oh what a funny post! I love that Spring is finally here in southern Missouri. My husband is out working on the mower with the neighbor. The grass is in need of its first cutting.
God bless!
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I often wonder what I've inadvertently left behind in the various gardens I've had the pleasure of tending over the years. We have had rather cool weather here this spring but today is warm and sunny at long last. I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring...I'm afraid to look.

Country Victorian said...

Very good Lydia! I love the flower in the tea cup. How funny, today I was looking at one in Wal-Mart and decided to look at home to see what I could create with my extra cups. I think a few small rocks at the bottom will help with drainage since no hole will be drilled like at the store. I LOVE Mr. S's ;) excavation find. Looks like little Ic's era. How wonderful your handy gardener is doing all the fresh vegetables will be wonderful! Thanks for sharing💝💞💇