Monday, January 03, 2022

Make Each Day Different When You Work at Home

Today I talked about ways homemakers used to distinguish one day from another, so that there would be some variety during the week.  From keeping journals to getting out a fresh kitchen towel or apron, there were various ways of doing this.

Now that so many wonderful people are home based, and this includes the men, I tried to address the subject of making each day different.

In general, I was talking to my grown grandchildren who are working in home businesses, but I'm sharing it with all of you.

Here is a potential list to consider: 

*A different shirt for each day of the week
*Day of the week food or flavor (This is Friday, so it must be flatbread)
*A different route for your daily stroll: This is Saturday, so let's walk south-west.
*Daily journal entry: what I wore, ate, heard, saw or observed, said, read, made, accomplished, felt.
*Sketch or doodle in your journal for each day of the week.
*Different 5 minute stretch or exercise each day
*Song of the day
*One piece of paper correspondence 
*Scent of the day --as natural as possible.
*Verse of the day
*Follow a cooking video or different recipe
*Create one small thing.

In each of these broadcast I try to stress the importance of dressing more formally for the humblest of  homes, to give the homekeeper/homemaker  a feeling of living in a grand place where you are expecting guest. 

I reviewed the January 1996 Victoria magazine, and mentioned a book called Perfect Preserves by Nora Carey. Recipes using preserved fruits were included in the back of this magazine; one being applesauce walnut fruitcake. (Do a search for the vintage magazine and the recipe).

Also, the scripture I quoted  was from Isaiah 8:12:
" not fear what they fear, nor be in dread."

Please enjoy the freedom of being at home while you listen today:



Christal said...

This was so enjoyable as all your videos and blog posts areπŸ€—πŸ™❤️, have a lovely blessed week ahead. Lydia may I ask what bible you use? It looks beautiful, is it a pocket bible? I love how it is compact.

Lynn said...

you video isn't there. "couldn't be found".

Lydia said...

It’s from world Bible school online and it’s got a kind of leather like cover.

Lydia said...

It’s from world Bible school online and it’s got a kind of leather like cover.

Jean Dawe said...

I enjoy your videos very much.So glad I have found someone who values home life and the simple things!

Christal said...

Thank you, my Bible is large, I go to work 2x a week as peds nurse, I take it with me, but I'd love one that is compact❤️πŸ™πŸ€—

Marie said...

Mrs. Sherman, I have not commented in a long time I am sorry not to take the time to encourage you but I took about a year off of youtube. But I still checked in on your blog and read every post. Going to your blog is one of the few places I can go that is lovely and pure and commendable. Thank you for being so diligent in producing such wonderful content for those of us seeking a refuge from pop culture and the typical media. You are a treasure and I love your ideas.

Lydia said...

Lovely to hear from you!

living from glory to glory said...

Greetings, what a lovely and encouraging post! It’s so wise to try to add a new dimension to each day! And as you stated it’s the little things we can do each day!
Happy New Year dear friend!!!!
Hugs, Roxy

Unknown said...

Thank you for your "listen while you work" videos! My grandmother who lived on a farm in Kansas back in the 1930s-50s used to listen to a program called "Kitchen Klatter" which she enjoyed.
I am so happy to find you and follow in her footsteps of listening while I work in my home here in Wichita, KS.
Please keep up with your videos as you are enlightening and teaching many of us!

Lydia said...

Oh that is something I like to hear. I wonder how many kitchen radio programs there were in the 50's. I know we listened to one in the 50's while we were doing the most grueling jobs.