Thursday, March 10, 2022

Home During Sudden Sorrow or Shock (5)

Hello Everyone,
At the request of some of my readers and listeners, I have created some videos dealing with the problem of sudden stress in the family.  While I cannot know personally about every person's family situation, I tried to cover some of the basic things. 

While I am planning to go on to other subjects, I am getting such interesting feedback, ideas and solutions to sudden sorrows at home, that I had to do one more broadcast on the subject.

I have been on a sightseeing walk today. I love the neat rows of the crops in the fields surrounding The Manse:

The subject of this episode includes a few small things that may help draw a family member's heart back to their home.  I read this poem called "Outwitted" which illustrates the principle of including lost loved one, if possible, in your life at every opportunity:


“He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In!”

― Edwin Markham

I also read from the book, "The Jane Austen Diet" about the concept of having quiet time to balance the sudden shocks of life. 
Please listen while you work or walk:



Flossy said...

Happy Friyay Lovely Lydia!!! Just a quick thank you for all the inspiring videos you do for us out here - I look forward to them so much!!! Cheers from soggy Aussieland!!! xx

Joyful noise said...

Dear Lydia:

Thank you so much for these late series on stress, shock and sorrow. Much needed today. We appreciate every video you upload. God bless you greatly. Maria.