I don't know a lot about the history of crochet, or lace or table cloths. Someone once told me that it would be better to use them, than to have them sit in boxes and trunks, where they sometimes collect rust spots and deterioriate. I have found this to be true, but I know there are now good methods for storing such things in order to preserve them. If I had known more about it, I would have saved a lot of pieces of crochet that were eaten by moths or torn.
I have seen quilts with little pieces of old crochet. It is a good way to preserve some of the item, at least, if you can't save the entire thing. The lady who posted about her aunt's house burning down, made a good point. It is better to get out these things and enjoy them, if possible. They can also be framed.
Lace curtains allow the light to come in, while still preserving privacy.Lace shawls allow some air to circulate, without making you feel cold. Lace and crochet seem to have never lost their charm.
I like the contrast that crochet doilies and lace provide in a house. Against wood, it softens the feeling of a room. Doilies were used as protection for hard wood surfaces, and that may account for the fact that there is still so much of the Victorian furniture available. There was a trend from the 60's on, not to use them, which was interesting, since the furniture at that time was incredibly expensive. One lady I knew had a designer come and do her new home. Not one doily or piece of lace fabric or table cloth was out on anything, because it didn't go with the new furniture of the time, yet she paid quite a price for the furniture.
Homesteaders generally did not use these niceties, but their furniture, made from logs, was much more hardy and did not require protection. It could take the wear and tear just fine.
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Kristy writes this about quilts; Hi,As a quilter I just wanted to share that if you must store quilts, I have found it best to store them in white or old cotton pillow cases. This way they can still breath (plastic might trap in moisture to allow a mildew smell), are dust free, don’t unfold, store neatly, and by using an old or white pillow case there is no color transfer (don’t ask how I know this last one). The pillow case also protects one quilt from others as often dark colors are used and a little moisture can allow color to run.Not sure if you were looking for info on this after today’s post, but thought I would send it on.I have noticed that hand made quilts are becoming extremely popular not only for bedding, but also as wall hangings, pillows, throw quilts, and table accents or even cloths! A baby quilt with extensive quilting might sell for $150.00, much more if there is an intricate pattern such as a white on white, but a baby quilt can often be made for about $30 in materials.Just some odd tidbits to go with today’s column...Kristy
She's right about storing them in plastic--DON'T. I've see this first hand. It makes the quilts get rust stains on them, particularly in the folded areas.
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We still haven't opened comments because here it is harvest time and we are busy with apples and berries and other things that are ripening.
I used up all the doilies in my collection that were given to me, by putting them on ledges, shelves, under pots and lamps, over the top edges of pictures hanging on the walls, on small tables, and even over the top of curtains, and the edges of lampshades.
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