Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Art of the Home

Apples And Hydrangea
Apples And Hydrangea
Art Print

Chabrian, Deborah
Buy at

It is interesting to see art depicting the kitchen sink. I've written about pictures, posters, people's examples, and the things young girls are exposed to that form their opinions, in several other articles. Today after I saw this painting I was again struck with the thought that our posters for young women are giving them messages that send them in less than exalted directions. With the money that is spent on the posters that are popular these days, I wonder why parents couldn't afford at least one poster a month that had this beauty and the message of home and family in it.

In my childhood, my mother's cast iron stove did not seem a thing of beauty to me, because it was a common appliance that we saw daily. Now, compared to modern stoves, I think it it with wistfully. It certainly had more style and art on it than the many electric ranges I've worn out. I never thought at the time that artists would be painting nostalgic pictures of the cast iron stove.

There are many beautiful paintings depicting the home and the family, the center of life.


Anonymous said...

So true!...We are what we allow into our lives, whether by music, what we read, or our physical surroundings.


Katy-Anne Binstead said...

I like your articles. You write about things that people do not always write about.

Anonymous said...

Since I have begun reading your articles I have completely rethought what I want to surround my family with. Before I had lots of flower pictures but little else in content. Now as I can, I replace them with used pictures and objects with more meaning. The cost in money is little but the added richness to our home is huge. I remember my Grandmother had a simple picture on her wall. It was only a scene of a pretty dirt road lined with trees with a little cottage at the end. I loved to look at the painting even as a child,and think of how pleasant it would be to be walking down that path towards that cozy home. This painting was not as inspirational as ones you have shown but even it was much more than ones I had had in our home before. You give us so many wonderful ideas to help our familys.

Mrs. Anna T said...

I love the way you put it - yes, we do have a lack of beauty and inspiration in our everyday surroundings!

Lydia said...

There is so much more fine art from the home, whether it is the inner view of a favorite place,or the outer view from a window on to a porch or path. No one can possibly paint a corporate office or work place in such sentimental light. U did not cover the architecture of down town areas, in the article about architecture of homes, but the down town shopping areas used to be much more romantic, and the subject of art. It used to be quite a familiar scene with familes going window shopping and the windows were so beautifully arranged. I don't think shops even have windows anymore. I will add some pictures here that are a bit more inspirational, of paintings of the home.My daughter says she wants paintings in her home that have meaning,not just things that match.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

About the kitchen sink - there was a meme that went around last year that had women post a picture of the view from their sink (while they were doing dishes).

Almost every single one had decorated the windowsill, or if they didn't have one, had put up a shelf with a small knickknack, vase of flowers, pretty bottle, etc.

Anonymous said...

So true - everything shared in your post - so true. :o)

P. said...

As a lover of all things feminine and domestic, I felt myself boiling reading this at Telegraph.Co.Uk.
Please, go there. I tryed to send the link to LAF but the feedback is closed.
We all should leave a comment there.
The title is:
My recipe for happiness: no quince jelly .
And the book and person attacked is:
The Gentle Art of Domesticity by Jane Brocket .

Anonymous said...

Another idea that has crossed my mind is that calenders have very beautigul pic. to them. I have looking at them lately and think how nice they would look in my home. After the month is up put in a pic. frame and you have a new pic. If you find another it is easy to replace.

Mimi said...

I am very drawn to paintings of the home and family, especially scenes of domestic life. HOwever, Anna's comment made me think about my own home. I do think I have more florals and still lifes. Hmm. Maybe, I can do a little changing.