Monday, October 15, 2007

New address

I changed the web address of Guard the HOme, to because I wanted it to match the title. You remember it was formerly savethehome.blogspot. I haven't figured out how to redirect people on blogger, so don't panic--it is still there, for those of you who like to go read it.


Diane said...

I was wondering what happened to it. It's ashame you deleted it, because it would have been so easy to direct people to the new site. To redirect people to the new site, you just add a link in your post on the old site, directing people to the new one. I did that......I changed the name of my blog, and just posted the link to the new name.

I'm so glad you didn't give up the site completely.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I was wondering where it went.


Lydia said...

I still find that complicated to understand, especially while tinkering with the tools inside of blogger. I didn't change the title of the blog itself, only the name you type into the browser, because I wanted them both to match. Unfortunately it means that people who have it on their favorites, can't get into it. Do you mean that inside of blogger I could just add the other name?