Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Day Trip

We took an excursion last week. The coast was incredibly cold so there is no match-the-dress-with-the-ocean photo. It was impossible to get the car door open and no way would I stand in that icy wind)....
...however it was very warm further inland. 

View of a valley...

...and finally home again, where a lot of work awaits...

..and a look into the sitting room. 


Unknown said...

Really lovely photos, the land looks so green and lush :)

Melissa M. said...

Beautiful! Looks like you have a good time!

Paulina Marie said...

How lovely to live so near the coast! I miss the ocean. Seeing your pictures, I can almost feel the cool breeze and smell the salty air!

laura said...

Too bad about the cold...the ocean is breathtaking though!

Unknown said...

I love these! Your house looks so sweetšŸŒø