Sunday, April 28, 2024

Other Things Useful for Hard Times at Home

Hello Dear Ladies at Home (and those who want to be).

I spoke to you from this little room,  which is a guest/sewing room.

On the broadcast, I shared things from these books:

I read from the sermon "Keepers of the Springs" by Peter Marshall. If I had a "school at Ashcomb" I would insist students read and understand this missive in relation to the importance of homemakers and their influence.

The Manse in the blue light today. 

The video ended abruptly but the next one will be much better. I didn't want to throw the work away, as it took up so much of my vital voice.

Please enjoy your home while you listen today.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Updating Things

Hello Dear Ladies at home and those who want to be,

I hope to be back with a broadcast soon.

I have had my devises all updated and a grandson has corrected the camera-cutting-off problem. He is going to Greece next week with a Bible School so I have been absorbed in preparing Greek style food during his stay here. It’s so delightful that he likes audiobooks of Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell. He pauses them and we make comments on the dialog. 

This is a natural photo of a recent sunset on a misty day— no visible sun all day, and then, this!!

I will be back soon, Lord willing ( and the creek don’t rise, as they say). 


Friday, April 12, 2024

What You Need in Hard Times or Dire Circumstances (And It is FREE) #1

Hello Dear Ladies,

Thank you for coming. I so appreciate it ---more than I can express!!

Today I talked about a few things we need in hard times and they are FREE, and not freeze-dried. The list is provided here and you can create your own.

But first, a little cottage from my Pinterest account . The Manse would look like this just by oval-sizing the porch, door and windows 

While it is nice and green outside, it is cold. The window view will do for now. 

In Hard Times

-Personal Cleanliness 
-Careful Home Keeping and Culinary Arts 
-Courtesy, Polite Speech, Kindness , Good Manners 
-Tea Time 
-Art, Literature, Music
-Faith, Study and  Prayer
Mind and Physical Fitness
-Correspondence and Letter Writing 

Again I apologize for the abrupt ending. My team is going to fix that soon,  but please enjoy your home while you listen.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Staying Home, Personal Care, Courtesy, Other Subjects

Hello Dear Ladies,

Thank you SO MUCH for coming here and also for listening to the video below.  It means so much to me. 

The first bloom this year.

I am trying a different flavor of tea every day, just for the scent.

I have this on MY PINTEREST 
It may be a painting by William K. Blacklock.

Catching the blue light.

2 minute Warm Up Movements from Lucy Wyndham-Reade

Listen to When Queens Ride By, a story I summarized in the broadcast.

Please enjoy your home while you listen. I'm sorry it does not have a proper ending. The video stopped before I could sign off.