Tuesday, August 23, 2022

We Will Talk Soon

I hope you are all doing well. I have been busy with everyone, and stopping occasionally to make notes of things to talk about in my next broadcast to you all. 

I created a day camp with outdoor furniture so we could take tea and be in the shade.

We have found these little wild apples while on a walk, just as people have done long ago.

Someone got the idea to make natural scents for the home, and presenting a sniff test. 

Did you know I am living in a painting? I see a number of these scenes printed on canvas in the shops, but here it is.

I’ll be glad when you next come to visit and we can talk. I have learned several things since I last saw you.




Lynnette said...

As always, I am looking forward to your return. In the meantime, I have been rewatching your videos from previous years, and I never tire of watching them, because there's so much wisdom and beauty in each one. Thank you Mrs. Sherman for all you do-you are a treasure!


Lydia said...

I’m hoping to do something here today. It will take a few hours before you see it.

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

I like the idea of using natural scents to create a pleasant home.