Monday, November 06, 2023

Thoughts at Home

Hello lovely ladies at home (and those who want to be).

I hope you are doing the best you can at home.

Please make a list, pray, take care of your appearance, exercise (find a video to follow for your age and ability), even if it is a one minute stretch, walk outside even if it is two steps, sing a song, read a sentence in a good book, listen to music, wash something by hand, paint a picture, write a letter, or sit still.

Things I have been listening to:

Have a look at their other videos, too.

Classical music seems to reset the mind and body and gives a good pace to life, especially in the home.
In these videos, she has a place underneath the arrow where you can see the names of the tunes.

She has a few videos you might enjoy. This one is about vocabulary.

This is a more difficult for someone like me but I learn a lot watching it.

This House is Easier to Paint so if you want to have good results in a few minutes, start with this. 

Please go to My Pinterest and see my latest collections.

Don't forget Miss Lillian's sewing blog

In this broadcast I read about tact, ink bottles, and stress.
I talked about people who want to argue.

Please enjoy being home while you listen:


Twingardeners said...

Good morning from WI!
Such a delight to listen to a new video. I started preparing pancakes so they will be ready when my son gets up. He is homeschooled so there is no rush.
As far as other topics- I am very interested in the different lady's fashions of the regency era vs. Victorian and other eras. Or are they the same thing? As you can tell, I am not knowledgeable about that but I love the colors , fabrics, etc.
Whatever you decide to teach us about, I'm ready to learn! I now love school and am learning much more than I ever did or ever cared to when I was in the public school setting.

Janine said...

So much interesting information! I really enjoyed the myriad of topics you mentioned.

Dianne said...

Hello from Pennsylvania! 💙 Loved all the thoughts about ink! All the topics you cover are so interesting and important for our lives. Thank you for your hard work in preparing these videos, Lydia.